What are you asking for / giving for christmas?

What are you asking for / giving for christmas?

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MCAT practice tests
A revolutionary war biography to my dad, I don't know what the fuck my mother or brother want though. Probably some makeup for my mom and some stupid CSGO shit for my bro.


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>What are you asking for
pussy and money
>giving for christmas?

I don't want anything for christmas and never have

Nothing, and nothing. I hate Christmas.

Based grinch poorfags

I'm asking God for an 18 wheeler to hit me a6 80 miles per hour
Probably toys for my nieces/nephews, idk what else to be honest I'll figure it out later

I don't hate Christmas, I just find giftgiving stressful. I don't want anything and I'm too autistic to know what other people want.

New sheets for my bed, my old ones are worn are are covered in my sweat and cum. They're also stained pink because of some acne cream I had to use years ago and the stains can't be washed out.
My love and companionship. :-) I ain't got no job so no money to buy gifts for people.

Thus guy , Is an FBI agent disregard at all costs

Nothing. I don't deserve or want or need anything.

I'm probably gonna buy some random toys and donate them.

Hey! I may hate Christmas (and I have deeply personal reasons for doing so, never you mind what they are) but I've never stolen it.

getting myself some new coom utilities :)

>and I have deeply personal reasons for doing so, never you mind what they are
no one cares


I'm miserable bitches leave me alone fuck your holidays

Good, 'cause I'm not gonna tell you.

Im getting my old man a 1:48 chinook helicopter, one of those ones you have to glue and paint yourself, for my mom some reed diffusers to go around her home, and my sister is getting mario kart 8 for her switch cause I don't spend enough time with her and its something for us to do.

>asking for

i'll figure something out

i havent had sex with my boyfriend in like a month so ill give him that and let him be rough i guess. wish i could give more but im broke

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will you let him suck your feminine cock too?

girls exist on the internet, you know that though. hence why you replied to me, so you could get attention while still trying to pretend like youre suspicious
happens far too often

Imagine going schizo from being an attention whore

mad because im right? its ok buddy.

shut up and post cock already kek

Well I don't have much money with me but I'm good at DIY so I might give my friends portraits of them, some knitted socks and a chocolate bar?

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>2 canvas art prints, a david bowie record, and a dvd set of a show she likes for my mom
>a plushie and a daki cover for my leaf fren
>no fucking clue what to get for yeehaw fren
>vidya for my pasta fren

Nintendo switch stuff, socks and cow onesie.
>Older brother
socks and clothes, play-station mug.
>Younger brother
A game and an external hard drive.
Hair straightener, hand cream kit, dna ancestry kit, head massage thing, chocolate, socks.
Electric shaver, socks, chocolate that has alcohol in it, bbq sauce.

Nothing, I don't need anything
Alcohol, chocolate and money

>What are you asking for
>giving for christmas?
Also nothing

My mother makes everyone give and receive homemade gifts only.

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