Few weeks ago, I did a data mining thread, and I realized most of you, regardless of age are brownies and average, even though you somehow end up here.
Then you have the extremely rare natural redhead supremacists and the fact that most females with insecurities like to dye their hair red.
What do you think about an actual natural redhead?
Do you like them? Do you want to be them? Have you even ever talked to one?
I'm not a femanon but I fucking LOVE redheads. All of the redheaded women I know have mental illnesses or are extremely degenerate though. But one of them I love with all of my heart
Robert Price
Redheads trigger the jews hard
Camden Thomas
It's okay. Cute hair colour. Some of my friends in school were ginger and that. Tbh I've always been more jealous of jet-black hair rather than ginger though, I think it's so pretty.
Kevin Barnes
My personal preference is red > brown > blonde >>>>>>>>> black Feel free to say what yours is or debate it while I sleep
Angel Campbell
My best friend has red hair and she is very pretty. But most boys ask me out instead when they see us. I just wish she would let me help her dress nice etc she would get a bf
Adrian Brooks
Not female but my hair is red.
Red hair just makes you stand out more so if you're really hot, people notice and if you're really ugly, people really notice.
Eli Moore
I'll be her bf, post her discord tag
Michael Barnes
what if you're really average
Connor Watson
You every mom in cartoon was some redhead, family guy, dexter's lab, danny phantom, etc etc, and they hated that.
Josiah Cruz
those cartoons were all made by Jews you dolt
Cameron Hughes
My hair is naturally copper red but all I ever got was teased about it desu. My country has one of the highest concentrations of redheads in the world though so I've never felt particularly special.
Isaac Taylor
move to my country and let me get you pregnant
Blake Ward
you talking about Ireland?
Juan Cook
I'm a dark redhead (auburn-ish) with freckles and all I got was shat on in school. Obviously there's some very attractive redheaded women but I'm not of them so it's just whatever. I do like my hair though, so I guess it's okay.
>I'm okay thanks. ok ill settle for you moving to my country and letting me wash your hair
Carter Martin
I always thought this was weird. It seems like people get bullied more for having red hair in Britain and Ireland where the highest number of people have red hair.
Bentley Fisher
When I was in middle school and high school I had a preference for redheads and would fantasize having a redhead wife, there weren't that many redheads though rip
Dylan Russell
ginger fembots should be my gf, just saying. gingers and dark skinned asian girls are my kryptonite.
Logan Rivera
Cool art btw. I'm playing Fallout 4 right now and that looks like some nice concept art or something inspired by the game.
>no curves I formally offer to put some curves on you
Wyatt Ross
my first crush was a ginger skelly who was like 6'0'' in middle school, she used to pull her hair out when she was upset and looked like she was dead inside and the skin was pale enough to make it look real.
She kind of liked me back but we were both too autistic to go anywhere. My second crush was a tubby ginger shortstack with huge tits but she was already spoken for by the king of the upper classmen weeaboos in high school.
Kevin Allen
what color are your eyes though? freckles or no? i fucken love redheads but there's none here
John Ramirez
6% of Jews are redheads. In fact, red hair was historically associated with, well, Judaism.
Adam Ortiz
Is that a pregnancy joke because no thank you. Pregnancy/child birth is basically bodyhorror levels of terrifying to me.
Well I'm 1.66 (I think 5'6) so not as tall but probably as skelly. I got the dead look down too because sleep is for suckers. Would definitely like a tall herbo gf too, tho.
Yeah supposedly Judas was a redhead. We've always got shit for that and witchcraft and God knows what. And I'm lefthanded, too. Double devilish.