Homosexuality should be banned and faggots annihilated

homosexuality should be banned and faggots annihilated

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Homo death camps when

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You won't turn straight no matter how many threads and posts like this you make. Sorry. Hope you don't off yourself.

>homosexuality should be banned and faggots annihilated


So we don't have to deal with thread spam

its unhealthy for society, humans are naturally disgusted by homos. This disgust has evolved under years of evolutionary pressure.

Why? It's like asking why the Holocaust was bad or why communism didn't work. It's just a objective fact.

There's a lot of irony in using Mr Clean, a gay icon, for that OP lmao.

>my opinions are everyone's opinions

I think the fact that homosexuality becoming increasingly more accepted proves that you're wrong.

>t. prison fag in denial

Homosexuality is being forced along with other unnatural shit by people who believe that everything is a social construct and refuse to acknowledge mountains of evidence proving otherwise for fear of being a "bigot"

the final solution is to annihilate all femoids and faggots and create a utopia where only real men and tomboys are allowed to breath air
change my mind
you can't

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triggering all the fags, one homo at a time

Or... people are realising that it's not such a big deal. And you ARE a bigot.

>if I deny nature hard enough it will change
kek delusional

Get topped faggot original

I don't get why being gay is not a personality disorder. It's literally a fucking disorder because you don't reproduce. 90% of gay people either had no father, their father was absent, were molested, or were exposed to extreme fetish pornography when young.

I don't know a single fag who wasn't beaten, neglected or molested.

all the fucking gay flamboyant shit or the typical gay voice is just an act. They were never accepted by their peers, so they at least wanna get accepted by their fellow weirdos.

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Hate should and will be banned. Your kind will be annihilated. Enjoy!

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I want gays to not exist because they make me feel disgusted. Its gross how gays only get in "relationships" for the sole purpose of sexual pleasure. How disgusting. I hate gay people.

Homos function as non-violent population control

They also function as disease vectors and are dangerous around children.

>the tired old "homosexuality is unnatural" argument


Ahem. Lots of animals practice homosexuality. It's perfectly natural.

*kisses OP*
*caresses OPs face*
*takes OPs anal virginity*

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Don't forget to dilate faggot

>I want gays to not exist because they make me feel disgusted

>I don't like it so it shouldn't exist

Contrary to what you believe, the world doesn't revolve around you.

It's an aberration but that's not what my argument was. It's a natural form of social hygiene to abhor faggots.





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I'm sure that'll cure your virginity

yes hate should be banned UwU lets make love togather~ lets kiss and cuddle while my pp is deep inside your sexy beautiful butt ;)

So your logic is that anything unnatural is wrong, yes? Then I have a question: do you eat your meat raw and sleep in a tree?

just try it breeders, oh wait, wannabe breeders