Which sex has it the worst?

Give all the reasons you can think of and discuss them.

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For starters men have no inherent value and are only loved under the condition they provide something. Unless you're rich no one gives a fuck
The law favors women (divorces, sexual assaults....)
Unlike women, society will always look down at stay-at-home dads

There's no point. Men obviously have way more problems to deal with than women. I don't really feel like getting into it but basically I think men have it harder because the usual case seems to be that people are more lenient towards women because they are women and nobody really expects a woman to do much except carry out their basic responsibilities. That can also be sort of a problem for women but that's literally the only problem that they have.

Thanks and I agree.
We just need someone with an opposing viewpoint to come in.

An ugly circumcised man has it the worst.

Depends on the situation and where you live

Dating in your 20's is proven harder for men, tho it flips in your 30's where it gets harder for women

It think at least in western countries urban areas, women have an advantage currently
There's a positive climate for women, they get a lot of help / attention in certain parts and still can be pioneers

For general life it's
hot women > hot men > ugly men > ugly women
But then again, judging who has a harder life really depends on the personal situation

>tho it flips in your 30's where it gets harder for women
Can you do a little more to convince me of this?

It's all about attractiveness

If you look on studies where different age groups get rated, females tend to get scored higher on average, BUT only until ~30y then it flips and males get rated more attractive

Factors are e.g. fertility which decreases much faster in women than men or the importance of (social) status (which is nearly irrelevant in your 20s)

Usually the more attractive partner picks the other one.
So as an average women in your 20s you're rated higher than the average male and thus have a potential dating pool of >50%
In your 30s this reverses and males have the choice

Or explained the other way around
As an example, lets take an average male and female age 22 both objectively 5/10
in our example the women would get rated 7/10 and the male 3/10
Usually you can easily date in you "league" and below, so the female has 70% of the male population competing for her, while the male on has 30% of the women population competing for him
You see the problem?
30% of women competing for 50% of men, this is a steep imbalance

>For starters men have no inherent value and are only loved under the condition they provide something

Kind of a half baked opinion but as a counter to this. Men can actually work hard and elevate themselves in the social/sexual hierarchy despite being ugly . On the other hand if a woman is ugly no matter how hard she works she will always be undesirable to men .

Doesn't she have to be literally deformed for that to work?

One could argue that being good looking is less work than working on social status

They have their pros and their cons.

>Pros for women
Essentially all women get a partner, if they want one
They have a higher average IQ then men
They live longer then men on average

>Cons for women
More likely to be mentally ill
More likely to have physical disorders
While they are smarter on average, men dominate the higher ends of the IQ spectrum due to significant biological difference
They are the follower sex and tend to have very little personality (instead, mimicking their partner)
Physically weaker
Mood swings often from hormonal imbalances

how can you be a man if you're not rich though?

the person who has it the worst is ted kaczynski residing in colorado federal prison

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men but not all men just me me i have it the worst me

>Pros for men
Physically stronger
The upper ends of IQ are dominated by men
The sex with the most originality/novelty, the dominating sex that leads humanity

>Cons for men
Lower ends of IQ are dominated by men
Will have to fight to get a wife
Will most likely die before his wife
Strong possibility of dying alone, not achieving the basic needs humans need if he's in the lower ends of IQ and looks
Court systems prefer women and will trust them on average more then men

If you're low IQ and unattractive, being a man is worse, as you will almost definitely struggle to do much of anything in modern society let alone get a girlfriend. Average IQ/looks and above, women have it worse. They might have the privilege of being a fucktoy but they are genetically the weaker sex, physically and mentally. I don't value sex that much, the downside also to being a woman is the fact that the women who do decide to be a fucktoy to a bunch of random men will very soon permanently weaken their ability to feel love at all. Given the histrionic nature of the modern woman and the oversexualization by third wave feminism, a large portion of women have a several partner count by the time they're 18, they then spend the rest of their lives struggling to form sincere human connections.

Sounds somewhat correct but
>The law favors women (divorces, sexual assaults....)
explain please. I don't want to search the pasta where one user had debunked all such claims about "women get rich through divorce"
>Unlike women, society will always look down at stay-at-home dads
Proof? Here in my eurocountry stay-at-home dads are admired by women as far as I can tell

>Average IQ/looks and above, women have it worse. They might have the privilege of being a fucktoy but they are genetically the weaker sex, physically and mentally.

apply for jobs with your shitty resume with a male name
change resume a bit and change to male name
weigh results against each other.

>but they are genetically the weaker sex, physically and mentally
Mentally that's simply not true. Men have greater variability in IQ but on average, men and women have the same intelligence

change to female name*

>The law favors women (divorces, sexual assaults....)
This is a study written by a female.
>Unlike women, society will always look down at stay-at-home dads

Being able to be a wageslave faster isn't much of an advantage.

Maybe. Maybe not. I can't actually say, there's a lot of different studies on this out with different opinions.

>Being able to be a wageslave faster isn't much of an advantage.
faster? nigger i have a degree and can only get the shittest work. I spent 3 years studying to find i still cant get a white collar job.

>isn't much of an advantage.
this is much more important to a man as they have no inherent value.
women on the other hand are babied their entire life literally because vagina/womb.

No true scotsman and to a pretty faggot degree.

It sounds logically sound but irl I don't see this happening at all. My mom had multiple men chasing her into her 40s despite having children. I also rarely see unwillingly single adult females, ever.
Sure women have less value as they are but they still have more value than men at any age.
Also men don't usually get more attractive as they age, they usually are fat and bald.

I'm going to say that boy sexes have it pretty bad honestly.

Women are treated by society as if they children or fresh adolescents but in this analogy society are metaphorical pedophiles. The moment they come of age they're thrown to the wayside because they no longer satisfy metaphorical-pedophile society's desires.

Men are treated like the work animals on a farm. You have no out. No room to maneuver. Work. Eat. Repopulate. Die.

Should either sex step from this system they are instantly deemed invalid by the system and those who populate it.

>My mom had multiple men chasing her
still possible if shes hot
like i said womens perceived attractiveness just declines faster than those of men

>men don't usually get more attractive as they age
mens value usually is more defined about status and typically the older you get the higher your status

It's about perceived value I get from my partner
In your 20s as men you profit from a more attractive women
In your 30s (or later) as women you profit from higher status men

if women objectively had it worse so many guys would be redpilled since they feel so sorry for themselves

>The truth is what the majority believes in
hopefully you can see why your answer is cucked, you need to figure it out yourself,

I refuse to provide. Will there ever be hope for me?

Maybe in a more primitive society but if you're solidly middle class this min-maxing stuff doesn't matter. Most women are average/ugly from shitty diets no matter their age, most men don't become more financially successful after they already have their career paths set (plus they are fat too).
Like I said it sounds good on paper but irl I don't see it happening. Nearly all couples I see are in the same age range. Most people are kinda ugly and don't have that much money.

I'm laughing so hard at higher end of IQ spectrum and physically stronger. While this is true, this is Zig Forums.

Y'all are on the lower end of the spectrum and are as weak as a girl so how does any of this benefit you?