Fembots, imagine you woke up next morning and your pussy looked like this, wat do

Fembots, imagine you woke up next morning and your pussy looked like this, wat do

Attached: tumblr_n7kw3ozJ8e1rutinco1_1280.jpg (830x1200, 73.12K)

Not a bot, but an user.
I would probably cry. Is it edited to look larger? The whole vagina looks unusually large.
Like those "horse pussy" edits that were popular on Zig Forums a few years ago

mine was gradual and really didn't notice till i had sex with guy number 56. wear and tear is real

Looks great. Better than the average.

Attached: ec4744b4.jpg (531x763, 41.17K)

i would cry so hard n then seriously consider cutting it with scissors like wtf. im sorry but i wouldnt be able to live with myself if mine looked like that

you've gained the "chad will never call you back" perk

There's always some desperate beta that's willing to lick that and pay good money for it.
Life for w*men truly is easy mode.

I would find the biggest horse cocked nigger and give myself to him.

Why not go straight for a horse

and why not do that with the junk you currently have?

This horses like all human pussies tight or blown out

To much work and I'm a lazy white bitch. I only stay kind of slim because I'm to lazy to eat.

>I only stay kind of slim because I'm to lazy to eat.
based I do the same thing. Cooking is just tedious, so is eating. I put it off until the very last moment. Since covid i have been doing the same shit with sleep.

Brother from another mother. I despise cooking and fast food tastes like shit. I grew up in a farming area and never had fast food until I was 16 and old enough to date. I would be a femcel had I not let two guys use me to lose their virginity in high school. Thank fuck I didn't get preggers.

I hope they went the whole way and put it in your ass too

Yeah i feel you, grew up in some small village in Cambridgeshire. Had my first chinese takeout at like 11-12. that shit was disgusting.

No was really kind of boring. I took my own V card before any guys got a chance. The first guy sucked my tits a little and tried to finger me but had no clue. I tried to blow him but he was to scared. So I told him to put it in me and get it over with. He pumped me about 15 times and cum. Then he left during the awkward silence. Second guy tried to be all dom. I hit him in the chest like a man and sat on his dick when he fell back on my bed. when I took my shirt off and he saw my tits he instantly cum in me. That's pretty much when I quit having sex.

Yeah I can't stand ethnic foods at all.

you probably ruined that kid by punching him like that, hes going to be into the crazy masochist bdsm stuff now. he probably cant get off unless hes getting smacked around lol

Good. Motherfucker was painful as fuck trying to finger me. Tried to act like he wasn't a virgin but told everyone in school I took his v card. I could tell he was a virgin when he started trying to play with my cunt and eat me. I think my ass got more than my cooch. He never even hit my clit. I had to fucking play with it to get wet enough to take his tiny dick.

It already does. I dont give a shit

can i rub my balls on your fat pusy

Honestly I do not think I would care that much. I doubt I would meet anyone soon who would see this part of me and hopefully when I meet someone who does they will love me enough to look past it.

I'd fuck her, but my tongue isn't going near that.

It's like an O'Keefe painting

Post it, tranny.

I'd cry and want to go to a surgeon but since I don't have any money I'd probably kill myself.

Originally originallio post it

I'd probably hate extra genital skin so much that I'd get my son get circumcised. That way he'll never have to experience having ugly genitals.
Don't forget to thank your mothers this Thanksgiving, user.


desu i dont see anything wrong with this

post your tits and pussy, i want to see