>tfw his bank account is less than-
Tfw his bank account is less than-
You've done well black femanon
Why are people upset when women pick men based on money? At least it is something you can easily affect. Looks are personality are a lock in, I'm glad not all women care about that dumb luck.
Join me and we can create beautiful Nigerian babies
Tfw no cracka bitch killing ebony gf to darken my seed.
>tfw no african femanon to move to Cape Verde with and have pious Catholic babies with
>i know you just got back from going awol and having your dad dedicate people to finding you, but come on carl, you and me, secret recon mission, dont tell your dad well be back fast
Too real
i honestly wonder what a fat ugly seething autist you have to be to make such an irrelevant, retard comment in a thread like this
you are unironically a fucking loser faggot
Fuck yea, kill all these disney princess syndrome bitches. Black femanons were always this based?
Don't hit on me silly whitebois~ :3
one larp thread and im no longer racist against black women
no, i got 30 in my account and im taking to to mcdonalds or somewhere cheap lol
Im racist and i consider you good person
We know you like it sweetheart
Wow you are very clearly different from the other women who lurk our board. You are unique!! Not reliant of harvesting attention at any possible instance!
Based, i like you
>TFW no chocolate Kween
Feels bad man
>ITT: pic related is everyone posting here
All the
>Tfw whatever bullshit
Is all bait that somehow all reaches the bump limit
Looking pretty BASED to me senpai
>tfw bbw KWEEN gf
Not very trad of you senpai
Drop discord and I'll give you attention
have you finally accepted your place as white man's whore?
Oh thanks i was so tired of hearing her bullshit
I once met a black girl (rare thing in my country) she was an escort and after a while she left the job. I kept visiting her she was pretty cool, really tall and cute black face with massive ass. Im gonna call her this christmas i wanna fuck that big ass
>ask African coworker out for a coffee
>she rejects me
>calls me too much of a party boy
All I wanted was a chocolate qween to snuggle up with and watch Tibetan fingerpuppet shows. Fuck this gay ass world and all the people in it.
I don't think I'm really attracted to black women unless they wear heavy makeup and fix their hair.
Black women date men with less than --- in their bank account because he already spent it on her white girl transformation potion.
Obviously it is the extent the go to get it. You are no different than the women you wish to gun down, as is nigger tradition.
Me ape fembot. Me need successful man. Me only have children with billionare.
>Why are people upset when women pick men based on money? At least it is something you can easily affect. Looks are personality are a lock in, I'm glad not all women care about that dumb luck.
Please read definition of "personality"
> Personality (noun) (Prounced: pr-suh-nah-let-tee) the combination of physical aesthetics and financial status which form an individual's distinctive character.
>Obviously it is the extent the go to get it. You are no different than the women you wish to gun down, as is nigger tradition.
pretty funny if you havent figured out she is a major larp yet kek
What dictionary are you pulling from? Oxford dictionary doesn't even mention financial status, neither does the American Psychological Association.
The based dictionary.