25+ Thread - Can you survive? Edition

Wizard level 1 (or level 31 depending on who you ask). I actually felt (negative) change when I turned 30.

I've been fantasizing about winning the lottery lately but to be honest, I don't know if it'd actually make a positive difference. Besides not working ever again.

Thoughts fellow wizards?

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Soon to be 33 wizard. KHV. Talk with women often. Never hear more than a, your so insightful, your so kind, etc. Never even been on a REAL date. Been out to dinner or a movie but always a one time event. I often help/listen to friends girls and they love it. But its not what women look for in a relationship. They definitely want the excitement that a bad boy brings. Shit can I get a fucking hug once or twice lol. I'm disgusting inside and out and I am the common denominator in all of my problems. I wished for health issues to take me but looks like I have to do it myself.... just like every aspect of my life. Tired of waiting. Intert gas asphyxiation is my choice. Just gotta fill the welding gas bottle on Monday

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>Talk with women often
why would you do something like that? avoid foids like the plague.

28 here, i gave up on all postive changes when i was like 18, then again im autistic enough to take every negative moment and see the light in it. my mum died this year, shit sucks, but i dont have to buy christmas presents. i havent talked to a girl in over ten years, but still i have my own life to myself.
never tried the lottery tho, the odds are far to stacked into not my favour, so i see it as a fruitless endevour

I pine for my lost years more than anything else. Coming into money and staying in shape will never fill that gaping void.

I think its time to accept I'll never make my parents feel proud of me

I can relate.

My mum and dad tell me they are proud of me, but their eyes tell a completely different story.

Reposting here since the thread moved right before I posted there:

>How are the rest of you oldfags holding up?
>When will you/when did you turn 30?
Oh a little over 10 years ago. Funny thing is, I lost my V card a few years after. But that was hardly the kind of king of the castle experience I thought it would be. It was messy, disgusting, and a complete fucking anti-climax in every single way. And of course it all ended up in complete disaster. I thought getting to have sex was like climbing this mountain after which everything would be ok. Turns out there's another 10 mountains right behind that one.

I'm still functionally a V as I have never had a GF and even sexually my experience is a hair's breadth way from none. And I've decided to hold on to that. I mean, spending over 20 years on women to get to sex one should've been a hint in itself, right? But it helped me realize that it was nothing special. More than that, it helped me realize that ultimately 25+ years of effort, work, money, time, heart, and soul just to get one failed experience with a woman is just an utterly horrible return of investment. And there's so much more I can do with my life if I direct all that effort into myself instead of women. So for the past several years that's exactly what I've been doing.

It gets a lot easier, a LOT, when you understand that the love and intimacy you were always looking for literally doesn't exist. When you realize that there's not a single woman on this planet who gives a shit about you and nothing you do will ever change that. Now I can just play vidya, watch movies, do my hobbies, travel, eat what I want and look like I want all day long without having to give a fuck about how some women who have never raised a finger for my sake, feel about it. I can honestly say I've been much happier than I ever thought possible before.

Why not take the estranged from your parents and living on your own pill?

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31 here but I've stopped coming here largely for most of the year. I just cannot keep coming to this shithole of a site talking with what is likely a majority well under my age. When I first started coming here anyways what I wanted originally was a place to discuss controversial things in an honest way. But then I realize its nothing but shills, bait and trolling and that I have wasted way too many years of my life I could have spent building myself instead. Being a normie sucks but its a hell of a lot better than being a miserable fapping piece of Zig Forums crap that is for sure. Which is what I was doing for most of my life in the past 10 years.

>I thought getting to have sex was like climbing this mountain after which everything would be ok.
Genuine question, why did you think that?

As cliched as it is on this site, never once did I think getting laid would help me. It wouldn't hurt to get laid sure, but I knew if I ever decided to see a hooker, I know it wouldn't help me get into a relationship.

I'm 23 but look 40 - does that count?

I'm honestly not that sure. Tunnel vision born out of desperation and naivete? I thought that my first time wouldn't just be some failed thing. I thought it would at least come with a GF attached, and would magically give me the kind of self esteem and experience required to open that gate to normalcy. Anything beyond that was just too big to seriously even consider, or I just lacked the experience to think beyond it.

Either way, it was about first things first: Get sex, GF after, marriage and children and purpose of life and general happiness beyond that.

It's pretty peculiar really, since I'm not a stupid person and tend to think quite far ahead in everything else. But in this, I was completely fixated. Either way, that sure as fuck didn't turn out the way I imagined lol.

Damn. I thought I wrote that.
Have you done plenty of research, re suicide by suffocation?
It will be very slow, painful.

I failed a lean-in hanging last year.

27 here
live at home and just got a job at the car wash, so now i get to wage slave for crumbs instead of being comfy neet, but i needed to pay for alcohol and food and stuff my parents were starting to lose it on me

there is a cute girl who works at the car wash and im making it my main goal to fuck her
because i might be a loser but im fit and have fucked almost 100 girls
life is weird

Honestly, if they havent tried to help you out either and you know, get into communities either. they have entitlement to expect anything grand. You know maybe if they didnt bother to get you into communities as a young teen/adult to the point of building those social things, they have failed you. It's not the other way around

Personally for me my mother was horrible. Smoked heavily while i was prenatal. as expected was born with heart defects that screw me up from being able to have the energy of a normal person. Didnt help that she was so strict with me so it didnt "annoy" her but neglect any needs i had.

Like she refused to help me get a drivers license even while i was young because i played video games and apparently i was "too stupid to tell the difference between games and real life" and used bullshit excuses to isolate me. but heck expected me to get a full time out of high school because she divorced a second time because she's a bitch and expected me to be a back up plan.

escaped when i was around 27 into not even contacting her thanks to relatives picking up on the shit and giving me a way out. But damage was done already. worked at a place where i couldnt have a social life with people around my age. Socially retarded to an extreme and afraid of people because of the abuse i had to live with while being isolated. 32 now, Cant even find a friend either with how fucked i am. I can choose to ignore the loneliness but most of the time it just keeps coming back. Felt like i was never allowed to have any personal success in anything

I honestly wish laws would be stricter on parents to prevent them from being a piece of shit on your children to the point of ruining them. it is criminal to treat another person like that, no matter if you gave birth to them. they didnt get to choose to be born or not

I can't totally blame my parents. My father's a idiot and my mother has some kind of undiagnosed mental instability BUT I could have survived that if the area I was growing up in had decent people in it, but it was basically a dog eat dog kind of environment.

>BUT I could have survived that if the area I was growing up in had decent people in it, but it was basically a dog eat dog kind of environment.

Honestly sounds like you feel ashamed/guilty for a choice you had no say in. But that environment probably benefited only your parents and that was their choice.

I got all the help I could ever dream of but I lacked any kind of ambition, all I wanted to do was sit before my computer and play games or browse epic forums. It's only very, very late in life that I got some idea that there're things to strive for and that a good quality of life requires some kind of effort
My parents had some issues but I think most of the blame falls on me

>But that environment probably benefited only your parents and that was their choice.
Well they didn't have that much of choice where to settle.

Theory: There are 3 things that determine the trajectory of your life. As long as you have one, there is a chance you can make it.

>Get sex, GF after
Tunnel vision indeed. Sex is supposed to be something you get organically in the normal course of being with people (as in actually being with people). But what do I know as a level (3)1 wizard?

I'm curious to what those 3 things are, can you elaborate? one is most likely environment

>one is most likely environment

Your parents.
Your area.
Your school.

>Well they didn't have that much of choice where to settle.
of course they did, if it wasnt the right environment, They could of chose the right time to settle instead of doing things out of passion. they just wanted to feel good about themselves for having a baby, but completely fall short on providing them the same abilities and chances that the parents had. You want to build up the next generation, not stagnate it

If parents are not planning on building up their children with mostly the same chances if not better chances, maybe they shouldnt have children because they are only doing it for themselves and themselves only at that point. All its going to do is bring resentment when the kids older and they find their parents excuses about how they weren't shitty parents laughable. Even the worse cases can occur where the child never had a chance for a life and just later commit a parricide and/or suicide to be a local news of the week story for that community to be appalled at.

But no more and more parents, especially single ones just want to do it more and more for their passion and enjoyment only, screw the children that come out of it

They're immigrants man, you're expecting too much of them. Coming here was "the big plan".

sounds about right. the school was what fucked it up the most for me, because instead of learning i got dumbed down. parents and location i can't complain about.

25 here. I'm actually working towards a tangible goal for the first time in my life. Won't get into specifics.
It's a steady process with more downs then ups.

Really want a gf but covid makes things hard. Tried online dating but I hated too much. Virgin but don't really care about sex.

How are your guy's Thanksgiving?

>How are your guy's Thanksgiving?
Ukfag man, don't celebrate it.

Last bump. Then I'll call it a night.

Apparently its supposed to be pretty painless. By breathing in a gas heavier than air your lungs get displaced with the heavy gas thus you suffocate. By being able to breathe ie not choking your body doesn't fight it. Australia has a guy providing a kit for people wanting to "exit"

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here's the issues
I'm as of recently 25
I've fallen out of a lot of things
my main problem is terrible self discipline
and I'm a neet
is there any way out of this or is it fucked?

If you've gone through the normal rites of passage sure. If not, then I don't know what to tell you.

>jewbook tier meme