The latest trend in Japan is small breasted women wearing male swimwear. How do you feel about this, female robot...

The latest trend in Japan is small breasted women wearing male swimwear. How do you feel about this, female robot? Would you like it if you could walk around topless like men do?

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god i want a cute otaku nudist gf

how do you call it in japanese? i need to do some research on the matter

only works if its a tomboy who literally refused to remove her hoodie and t-shirt. otherwise its too lewd to be good, and too much smut

No, I don't want to walk around topless because I only want my boyfriend to see my breasts.

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women wearing male underwear is nice, looks a bit sacky and loose due to size difference but still cool

male swimwear challenge

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I approve wholeheartedly

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Muslim cringe

pics or it didn't happen brether

pics or it didnt happen
for research

hashtag is the filename because of the robut

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Only if it also was treated as casually as male toplessness.

this has been around for a while and it was sexy until trannies ruined it.

do NOT look this up. its just pics of guys in swimwear. no cute topless chicks.

>The latest trend in Japan
I think you mean "among japanese anime fan-artists", not japan itself.

All I see is a bunch of faggots in speedos? Fuck you for misleading me op

Extremelly hot image, her embarrassment is making my PP diamonds.
Hope it's not a trap.

What anime is this based on?
Fan-art? Fans of what series?

Do you have a bf though

Sounds incredibly based as usual but not surprising since this is Japan

If I had a flat-chested androgynous gf, I would 100% try to get her to do it.

it's just a meme like the virgin killer or the one finger selfie challenge

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i walk around in boxers sometimes at home, it does feel nice

Have sex with me, ok?

any irl images? couldn't find anything

That's just cute honestly

i dont think it's filtered down to thots yet

based except for the fact that they are embarrassed by it

I've seen women wear male swimming shorts irl multiple times, but they still had a bikini top, sports bra or shirt on.
God i love seeing women in certain mens clothes

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topless flat chested tomboys is the perfect mix of erotic and cute.

>Japanese men and women are indistinguishable

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I don't mind girls with small tits now and then. Makes them seem delicate, and it's cute how they react after you reassure them about their tits, about which they are always insecure