PREVIOUS THREAD: >How does it work?
People will post their Amazon wishlist link according to the instructions below. People who enter the thread may post their list, and it is your decision to gift who you want.
>Does my address get shown?
Your city and state, and shipping name. Refer to the instruction image below. Shipping name can be anything you want.
>How will I know if something has been bought for me?
Items disappear off your list after being purchased. You can also go to your list, press Filter and Sort, then select Purchased.
>Will the information of the gifter be shown to the recipient?
Your first name maybe shown. Amazon by default doesn't share but third party items may.
>Why should I gift something? I'm not gonna get anything in return!
This is a different take on a Secret Santa, where anyone can gift or get from anyone. If you're feeling generous, please do consider giving back to others.
>Last year people bought stuff for others and then cancelled them to epic fucking troll us!
And they did that the previous year, and the year before that too. It happens when you have amazon wishlists, it's disappointing to lose out on a gift, but the item will just go back on your list like they never screwed with you at all.
>How often should I post my list?
Once a day or thread depending on the speed of the general
>Can I post multiple lists?
No. Only 1.
>The threads are too early!
SS 2019: Nov 23
SS 2018: Nov 22
SS 2017: Nov 26
Shut the fuck up you gangrenous cunts
>I am a Woman/Faggot/Tranny
Other urls found in this thread:
>making a new thread 30 posts early just to be the OP
This is how you get a general shut down.
Reposting. HD .PNG versions of my works.
Hope Sally user sees this.
I currently am doing my last request. Taking more. They're free of course.
Still looking for a girl or trans girl to be my gf for Christmas
not posting my list until december 1st
none of the gift happy normans have shown up yet
I'll buy you some rope and a stool.
Already have a stool, so no need for that.
As always, offering secret recipes and chef tips if someone buys a gift! it's the best I can offer in return. Last time I taught user to make booba milk ice cream
You have good taste. I hope someone buys this stuff for you.
Presenting nails to the resident tranny inspector
Someone bought a few things from my list but didn't take credit.
Was i grinched, I can't tell.
red panda mug is cute
You didn't grinchproof your list? Definitely grinched.
Blacklisted originally
Sp00ky here, phone posting like a faggot right now. Gonna start on the wendigo for user when I return to the battle station later this afternoon. In dire need of shoes. Goddamn I love stuffing tho
Happy thanksgiving US fellas.
How's it going everyone?
Was your list grinchproofed? If not, then yeah, you 99% got grinched lad :/
Follow these instructions.
I burnt the roof of my mouth on my pizza and now it feels funny. Hurt to brush my teeth.
How is your day going? Hope burgerbros are having a good turkey day.
weld user back to beg for shit
>guys i need to pay rent
what's everyone drinking today? for me it's a coors party ball
Fun fact: if the ring finger is longer than the index, it is male. An equal to, or shorter than, the index finger ring finger indicates.
How to know if your coffee date is real or trans.
Was wondering from last thread, what are your specs? Hight, weight, cock size and all. Size 15 shoe made me think.
>mentioning tooth brushing
Nice mug lad
who are you, his doctor?
it hurt, had to brush weirdly behind my front teeth
would not recommend, let your food cool down before you eat it
thanks, black mesa has always had that aesthetic that i just like. scp used to do it for me too before that got ruined by reddit.
He's obviously a 6'7 skinwalker
6'5, 210-15 pounds, 6.8 inch coq. I'm a big fucker, still trying to turn what body fat I have into muscle. Today is going to ruin my week but fuck it lol.
Nah, just wondering how tall he was, size 15 foot dudes are at least 6'4 or more
My dick is bigger.
jeez spook. youre a big guy. I'm the other drawfag and I'm 5'9.
Hey man can we switch bodies. I'm 5'2 and hate it.
No but it does mean they were exposed to more test in the womb so they're probably less promiscuous
Virgin Drawfag
Chad Artist
Toothpaste, you say?
factually incorrect, they don't have to be biologically male. just more test in the womb. none of you faggots know what an actual female hand looks like
>im in the photo
hi mum
I just got off work. One night down three to go. How's everyones day so far?
That's a tranny
Garden Of Words is the worst out of those movies. Not a bad movie, just not as good. It's also Makoto's worst.
Asus is one of the common "gaming" laptops for people who aren't tech savvy, basically for retards who don't understand how laptops work so they buy the most marketed one. Why tons of people have them. They're not bad though for the price.
are you a girl or trans? I want a gf for Christmas
ASUS's mechanical keyboard dual GPU laptop is the only acceptable gaming laptop
I'm not trans. But I don't like to meet men online, especially not of one of these places. Sorry user, I'll be your fren though
It's just a movie I'd like to own. I love the art style of these movies especially your name and weathering with you.
i was almost the owner of an asus 3070 earlier today
then a better deal showed up
Honestly I wasn't trying to bash the laptop, I've had it in the past. For people who don't have enough to buy a pc or an actual high res gaming laptop, asus is the way to go. Good ol reliable
Post pics of your feet and link your list
Glad to see these threads are back up. One of my favorite parts of the holiday season. Here's to some cozy christmas-posting
I understand. Thanks for replying, I appreciate it.
That's because Makoto Shinkai makes legit works of art. The rain scenes in his movies are always amazing. I still think 5 Centimeters Per Second is his best movie though.