If an American President loses more Americans over the course 6 weeks than died in the entirety of the Vietnam War...

If an American President loses more Americans over the course 6 weeks than died in the entirety of the Vietnam War, does he deserve to be re-elected?

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JFK would have got re-elected. So, yes.

Solely for the purpose of pissing off leftys.

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stunning brave and powerful

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4 more years bud
cry about it

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Not this shit again. I'll be glad when schools reopen so you won't be able to post this every day.

you aren't a real person

trump done about the same as the EU as a whole, if Trump is doing such a bad job then basically all government leaders should step down internationally

Uh oh second very real person here to say Trump didn't cause the covid-19 virus and those deaths are in no way on him. But hay that's just like my opinion man.

>does he deserve to be re-elected?
Yes, because this is natural selection! Only the strongest survive. This pandemic is strengthening the us public.

Sounds like you have a touch of schizophrenia there buddy.

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divided you stand united youll fall

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>Nowitzki and White
Don't you know that those two are war criminals?

Yes. Fuck you American scumbags.

Hopefully thinning the herd is working and your average IQ goes up.

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Stupidity killed those Americans. If they were clever enough, they would have survived. Don't blame the President for all the dumbass mistakes people are making

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kek. you just don't understand the true spirit of the chan. we're nihilistic anarchists… with a twist.
we don't care if they were "innocent" (who is truly innocent, anyway?)
we just want to watch the world burn

who cares. nobody I know has died

These dumb suckers are killed by their own mistakes. However, America is getting cleaner and stronger the more idiots die. The rest will reelect Donniebuddy

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Tlump the gleatest Plesident of all times will be le-elected. Xi loves Tlump and so does the Chinese people. Hail Tlump!

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so do the Chinese people (typo)

Dont worry Kenneth got this

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Hey man, the only obvious solution to a global pandemic is to have the federal government stand down and to have your son in law contract out businesses to profit from it.

Liberals just don't have any faith in Christian Capitalism like real Americans do.

Trump didn't create the virus. Anyone stupid enough to believe that should kill themselves. However, he did let it get worse than necessary by calling it a hoax for 2 months. He an arrogant ass that's "takes no responsibility" for his actions. I think the president in the United States should probably take responsibility for his actions, but I guess people who have gotten what they want don't have to. That being said he did a good job with economy so I don't really care if he gets reelected. But that's just my opinion man.

Short answer, no.

Imagine claiming to hate someone then getting tattooed with gay porn of that person

>implying chink flu is trump fault.
Holy shit you're disabled.

True Trumptard.

So by that measure i guess none of the govenors & senators of say the top 5 states hit should also not get re-elected.
What people dont understand is the president has very few powers to really do anything inside the states. It takes more than just one man to make the whole thing work. Its total failure from the top down.

I have Mao getting dp'd by trump and Maggie Thatcher with a strap on.

ITT niggers that slept through history classes and don't know what the fuck happened during two world wars. Bitch, we fought the revolutionary war during a smallpox pandemic, and won. Neck yourself.

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Prove it

>If more Americans die because of their own stupidity than the entirety of the Vietnam war, do they deserve such a great president?

Blessed combo digits

>WHY CANT I GET A JOB: The tattoo

So fucking sick of everyone giving Trump shit about discussing the merits of injecting disinfectant into the body. It's just a bunch of people who want to talk shit and make the President look bad. The great libcuckning of our time.

I'm currently on day 4 of a daily Clorox bleach injection. I actually learned of the technique on this site from others, and their advice so far has been pretty solid.

You just use standard Clorox Bleach. Not generic, and not scented, as they have chemicals in them that you definitely don't want in your body. Just plain old original Clorox bleach.

From there, you inject just 1ML of bleach into your carotid artery. You don't want to inject it into your jugular, as you need the bleach to pass through your heart first so it can filter out the toxins (read as viruses and bacteria) before heading up to your brain.

Yes, it burns like hell when you shoot something into your artery, but it would burn no matter what you put in. That's just the nature of arteries though.

Once you do this, you'll begin to feel sick, and the best thing to do is lay down and take a nap. This is just the body being purged of viruses and bacteria, and is pretty normal. After a few hours, you'll wake up and feel like fucking he-man.

The results are nearly instant, and I've been doing it daily, as we're constantly exposed to new viruses and bacteria all of the time. Also, after the second and third time of doing this, I no longer feel sick after injecting myself. Since there are so few bad things inside of me now, it doesn't take much of a toll on me trying to kill the viruses and bacteria.

I remember hearing years ago about this technique, but never tried it myself as I was also raised to believe you didnt mess with with cleaners. Having Trump bring this to light though, and having witnessed others beginning to do it, I went ahead and tried, and fuck, I wish I had been doing this all along.

Why isn't everyone doing this???

fuck the media!

If his opposition is senile and exclusively appealing to the boomer demographic then it doesn't matter who deserves what.

he's not finished

You are my hero. But if you were REALLY a man you would inject 15 ml of the purest bleach from Chlorox into yourself to show the rest of us pussies how effective it is. Please go ahead and report back.

did he personally murder them? did he send them to war? no? no matter who it was this would happen, unless we had a super nationalist who closed the borders and all travel instantly. so yeah, it shouldn't really effect him, i also don't think it will at all really.

Based, i drank a bit with lots of water and feel great. Scared pussys should die so please dont spread this everywhere

Can you believe you're brainwashed? That's what it is you know. He's a great president but you hate him and can't articulate why. Any argument you make boils down to nothing, yet "ORANGE MAN BAD"

when joe biden was vp 24 million americans died. we cannot allow someone who lost over 24 million americans to be president.

Imagine getting older as you see that on your leg each day, the years pass, the realization gets stronger, that your idiocy is permanently embedded in your skin. imagine going to the beach with that, or the gym, and people laugh... but you know they aren't laughing with you.. just at you

>hah look at your president being gay!
While at the same time defending faggots. Imagine the mental gymnastics required to mock someone with something you would call hateful. You are a glorious case study of a broken mind, failing self awareness. You are failing yourself utterly.

Trump is going to win. Not amount of spin or Trump hate threads will change that. One hoax after another has not changed it.

You deserve what you get.

>Thinks JFK was president when the US presence in Vietnam escalated and the final death toll
God Amerimutts pull the lamest mental gymnastics.

>didn't stop all travel to China immediately
Cool so he is just retarded.

kek. you just don't understand the true spirit of the chan. we're nihilistic anarchists… with a twist.
we don't care if they were "innocent" (who is truly innocent, anyway?)
we just want to watch the world burn

HAHA retards following a retards medical advise dying.
Never change America.

He didn't create it though..... Not his fault Hillary.

yeah because ya know Corona made in china released ont he world was something one man could control right? How much soy did you take this morning?

Come back with this presidential bullshit once Ross Perot runs the third time.

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yeah because ya know Corona made in china released on the world was something one man could control right?
No duh you cum guzzling nigger, his actions with the US since he is you know the president. What was your reading score in school?

Dude, you're awesome and thanks for the live stream clip. I try it today - with 15 ML just to make sure I wake up like a fucking she-man

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That's true for every President/Prime Minister.

None of them should be re-elected!

Rocket man here. Yeah, I am alive and kicking and I can confirm my friend Donald is a damn good President and he's doing a great job so far. I'm just saying Donald needs to repeal the 22nd Amendment, so OP and other faggots can enjoy him for the next 10 to 14 years

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>an American President loses more Americans
he should probably check in the lost and found then.


I'm voting for Biden just to trigger this board. I'm tired of making fun of libs, the rere's will be fun to play with for 4 years. Trump for prison 2020

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Americans are so retarded they started blaming their president for killing people with virus when they themselves dont social distance because muh freedom. Your national stupidity is the reason for virus spread, not trump or any other single person on this planet.

Come hell or high water, Trump is gonna be re-elected. Suck Viet Cong dicks, OP, and watch us make America great again

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Ok, Chang.

theres a term specifically for that, it's either a leftist or a NPC or both, hard to tell either apart

>a leftist
did a bunch of you babydicks just learn a new word all at once?
A lot of cringing faggots are dropping this term with clearly no understanding of what it means

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So what if the Chinese are interfering with our elections to get a Democrat elected?
Trump sucks. So do the Republicans. We could use the help.

Heart disease does this every year.

Let's get these politicians that can't solve heart disease the fuck outta office right now.

Trump is heart disease.

Hey OP Woodrow Wilson here. Yes I was elected and got us into a dumb war we had no business being in (WW1), and then we had a pandemic way *WAY* worse than your dumb cold... The Spanish Flu knocked out an additional 100 million probably (it is 1918 we don't have great records).

By every metric you are holding up I did way worse... also I am a hero do Democrats, and Obama would masturbate to me nightly.

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>durr the dumbcrats bad
>trump good
>trumps cock tastes good

>being this coherant on a come back
I miss when people on the left had an IQ higher than drooling retards. What do I even say to this?
You are literally just drooling telling me about Trumps dick. Ok...? Damn man you got me.

you elected a low IQ President
you don't get to judge others' mental faculties

do you know what greentexting even is?
You're saying this crap trumpshit
shut up

" hurrr president bush could have stopped Katrina!" This is you OP. You're so fucking stupid you actually believe this virus could some how be stopped if only a few people from the CDC were not fired

only amurican could've done such a stupidity to his own body xDDD

Yea there was no way we could stepped up PPE production and PPE stocks and prepped for this. If only we had some sorta clue it was spreading across the world before it came here

I’m not a trumpet but this

If you weren't 12, you'd know Bush looked stupid "handling" Katrina and the Republicans lost because he was a stupid dipshit.

yes you are
you're willing to suck orange mushroom cock willingly without a fight


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Except he didn't call it a hoax and the democrats response to this coronavirus was to waste time trying to impeach him over false claims knowing it wouldn't pass in February.

So in you imagination you see everyone being provided with PPE and somehow this would have stopped the virus , nice theory you have their Einstein

His admins response is entirely his fault. The fact he is inconsistent In his addresses (it’s a hoax, it’s dangerous, it’s just the flu.) & disregards experts opinions while telling people to “liberate themselves” has done the U.S. no good.

Hell he is telling his supporters to essentially drink bleach. Because you know anyone who doesn’t cult worship him isn’t falling for that shit.

>What do I even say to this?
Democrats are panicking because Biden is obviously not rising up to the challenge, Sanders is a cartoon character, and the best hope for Blue 2020 is to somehow convince their losing 2016 candidate to come back.

>you elected a low IQ President
>you don't get to judge others' mental faculties
makes lots of sense. Soy-based diet confirmed

So in your mind, when donny called it hoax and nonissue and did nothing in that time to prep, it was good planning? Kek

Nigga, you think joe fuckin Biden is the answer. There’s too many of them. There are too many rednecks. So I’m focusing local and writing in Deez Nuts

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No, and neither does Biden.

Fuck them both. Fuck the parties, fuck the oligarch media machine, find someone who isn't an idiot criminal rapist to vote for.

How many people died when Obama was president?
Hundreds of thousands.
Guess what, people die all the time.

if a foreign nation unleashes a bioweapon on your country, should you nuke them?

what are you talking about op? this is a great success story.

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i mean...

>dang chinese unleashing on themselves first then the world

you're incredibly stupid and/or uninformed.

Trump should be removed from office for trying to stop natural selection

You would know he did in fact downplay it, call it a hoax, call it the flu, undermine it in every way possible for 2 months and then say "man if only we could have known sooner" after the fact, if you watched ANYTHING other than fox news you retarded waste of life.

It all depends on the political opponent and his opponent has no clue where he is, what day it is, what office hes running for. I'm sure he will do a better job.

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Actually you fucking non-mongoloid, Xi (Winnie) is terrified and China does love him.

Who else in the EU crashed the markets by fucking up reading a telemprompter?

Yes we want a stable genius who knows where things are

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You're literally as stupid as aoc. You're just running pig vomit from your mouth. Anyone who reads this shit knows you are a moron. BTW, I'm liberal.

It walked out of one of their labs, after we sold it to them in '05
Just because it was an accident doesnt mean it's not a bioweapon

Why does belgium have a higher death rate than the US?

And proof of claim or is this more donny fake news? Because it wasnt engineered

Based crazy fox poster.

I mean his voter base is drinking poison, and will be going out to die of the virus. so moot point.

Find me a clip of donny saying we sold it to the chinese in 05. I'll wait.

some of the EU nations are functionally dealing with populations and landmass that's equivalent to some states in the US as well

Based jew murderer hiding behind anonymity.

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I think it's spelled lefties

What are you talking about?

It's Don running his idiot mouth again.
International news is reporting that Trump says he has seen evidence - immediately followed up with the response from the US intelligence that there is no such evidence.
So just another Trump lie lol

Im not a magafag I dont even like trump.

Why not ask Trump?

Pic Related.

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Even the big players in the Dem party were downplaying this shit as it was first getting to the US, a la Chinese New Year festivities. WHO and CDC have been back and forth on their recommendations during critical times when transmission could have been severely mitigated.
Trump dropped the ball just like nearly every other Governor, head of state, and global health organization did leading up to now

You're not a billionaire toots..

how dare you!? trump takes no responsibility for the health and safety of the american people! explain to me why any of this is his fault.

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Dems were saying stop being racist to asians in the US. Any seeing and ignoring china frantically building corona hospitals and still thought this was a nothing burger is a retard. Thus donny is a retard

> inherited wealth

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Trump is seriously one of the dumbest people ever to achieve public office.

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whats that matter, he wasnt qualified to be the county dogcatchers coffee boy the first time around

Obama did nothing. Trump acted early and got called racist for it.

From 5 million to over a billion. So easy! You got me!

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Nice bait faggot

>NOOOO, don't block US entry from china, that's racist!!!
>NOOOO, you didn't close the border quick enough, that's ignorant!!!

once again another dumbfuck that is either lying or uninformed. since you're such a deeply devoted trump cult member (lol imagine actually worshiping a *politician*), you should perhaps learn a bit about your dear leader instead of relying on your memory of him during his heyday as a reality tv show host.

Ultra mega faggot to you, Mr.
blue pilled ladyboy.

The left (my team) is literally in hysterics at this point? How do we fix it? You have no idea of my power.

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Bro there’s so much disinformation, it’s retarded. This is why you don’t get your info from the mainstream media. They straight up lie.

> he never said it was a hoax. He said the democrats claims about it and their claims about his response were a hoax.

He never told anyone to drink bleach. He talked about research that was going on which involved A DOCTOR using a very specific kind of disinfectant internally inside the lungs. WHICH IS A REAL EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE. And he referenced another experimental procedure where doctors use small amounts of UV light internally from a small device... which is also a real procedure.

The jump from “experimental procedures that are being researched BY FUCKING DOCTORS and being performed BY DOCTORS” to “nah bro just chug bleach” is so ridiculous that it was obviously intentionally misrepresented in bad faith. This is why you guys are going to lose the election in November. 50% of Trumps vote will be driven no be adoration for him, but pure hatred for people like you and the media. YOU CANT STOP LYING. The American people will vote in a way that directly counters your opinions and values just to show people like you that you can’t run politics by being a shitty, lying little crybaby. You can’t use disinformation, fear mongering and brow-beating to bend people to your will.

They’ll vote for trump and rightfully so

It's not confession thread

>its a dem hoax
>we got this under control
>it will go away overnight like a miracle