Sounds like you have a touch of schizophrenia there buddy.
If an American President loses more Americans over the course 6 weeks than died in the entirety of the Vietnam War...
divided you stand united youll fall
>Nowitzki and White
Don't you know that those two are war criminals?
Yes. Fuck you American scumbags.
Hopefully thinning the herd is working and your average IQ goes up.
Stupidity killed those Americans. If they were clever enough, they would have survived. Don't blame the President for all the dumbass mistakes people are making
kek. you just don't understand the true spirit of the chan. we're nihilistic anarchists… with a twist.
we don't care if they were "innocent" (who is truly innocent, anyway?)
we just want to watch the world burn
who cares. nobody I know has died
These dumb suckers are killed by their own mistakes. However, America is getting cleaner and stronger the more idiots die. The rest will reelect Donniebuddy
Tlump the gleatest Plesident of all times will be le-elected. Xi loves Tlump and so does the Chinese people. Hail Tlump!