Trump has raped his daughter since she was 8.
Trumpers gonna get sunk in November. You don't have enough armor for what's coming
I understand that.
But with destabilization in the parties more votes go third party and their candidate pools open up. Increasing the chances of people that don't follow party lines, or third party candidates getting into office. It's not that rare as it is to get an Independant senator.
Literally said they're Jewish in my post. You're just a moron.
You do know Jewish and semitic are separate things right?
You do know Arabs are semitic right?
But as long as they keep people fighting and pretending their vote for D or R makes a difference, 80% of the country will think they are 'throwing their vote away' if they vote for anything different. It's been a carefully done and deeply entrenched psy ops, done over decades.
Yes I'm aware they are all semitic. You are claiming they're not 'real jews' when the rest of the world disagrees. But you're just a moron.
I guess equating them with the black israelites was a little too far.
They're considered real Jews. But they don't have ancestral roots to the biblical israelites.
silly person
>which can abolish the 2 party system.
you seem to think that there's a 2 party system. In fact, the two parties contain a multitude of different interests, constituents, and even politics.
In order to rule, the party must resolve differences between their different factions. In parliamentary systems this happens *after* the general election (which is why those systems go through governments so quickly when they can't agree), while in the United States this process of resolving differences happens before the election.
What you call a two party system is, in actuality, a system with multiple factions and sub-parties, which is exactly what you're asking for but don't realize it because you lack experience.
In other words, you don't know how the real world works. But please, continue to seethe and spout "I'm 18 and this am an adult now" level thinking.
Dang pedos
in all honesty,joe wont get enough of the moderate democrats vote.he'll get the extremist moron "my president is black"people who voted for obama
however,i dont want 4 more years of trump.he should of been kicked out of the party a long time ago
>Trump has raped his daughter since she was 8.
Democratic delusions. Trypical.
My wife (liberal but not progressive) pointed out that from a female point of view she's seen that Trump's ex-wife, and ex-girlfriends/lovers still have a good relationship with him, which indicates that in non-TDS reality he probably treats them pretty well.
But, back to your fantasies for you I guess.