Who else has the insatiable urge to beat his head in with a rock and then drink soup...

Who else has the insatiable urge to beat his head in with a rock and then drink soup, using his hollowed out head as a bowl?

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God I can't stand this guy.

I can't understand why people actually like the noise he produces.....

People will do anything for fame and attention. The fact that this was the only thing he could do to get me to notice him is sad

Help me understand why he triggers you

I think he's retarded but he genuinely makes me chuckle so he's aight

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I have nothing against him, but I like the soup part

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they don't, he's a clown.

He'll be xxxtencion 2.0 any week now lol
>but muh clout

I have the insatiable urge to not give a flying fuck about this gay asshole one way or the other.

he was measured at 5' 6", 145lbs.
quick google search

anyone could beat his ass. He's below even a manlet like me at 5' 8", 170lbs.