Who else has the insatiable urge to beat his head in with a rock and then drink soup, using his hollowed out head as a bowl?
Who else has the insatiable urge to beat his head in with a rock and then drink soup...
God I can't stand this guy.
I can't understand why people actually like the noise he produces.....
People will do anything for fame and attention. The fact that this was the only thing he could do to get me to notice him is sad
Help me understand why he triggers you
I think he's retarded but he genuinely makes me chuckle so he's aight
I have nothing against him, but I like the soup part
they don't, he's a clown.
He'll be xxxtencion 2.0 any week now lol
>but muh clout
I have the insatiable urge to not give a flying fuck about this gay asshole one way or the other.
he was measured at 5' 6", 145lbs.
quick google search
anyone could beat his ass. He's below even a manlet like me at 5' 8", 170lbs.
Big MAD ur SAD haha
He’s back you’re mad HAHA
shoot this cuk
NYC resident here. Everyone I know missed him. We don’t care if he snitched Cause only straight up NIGGERS care about street code. Niggers fucked his baby moms, stole his money, kidnapped him and then planned to kill him. Better off he snitched, less niggers out on the street, plus he’s got a few good songs. X was better but if 69 is all we got, then fuck it... SCUMMM GANGGGG
He's 5'6?!?1
Yeah for real, if a gang has turned on you and is literally trying to kill you, then fuck them. I'd snitch so hard just to ruin their lives.
Anyway, don't like this guy's music but he is entertaining at least
>blood in blood out
he dead
how old are you
Just fucking look at him! Hippy-spic rainbow nigger wannabe who's a fucking snitch? Little faggot should be curb stomped to death
As much as I'd love to see this autist star in his own cartel video, I'm more angry/ashamed that society allowed this person to exist.
23 turning 24. I’m not a Zoomer faggot. I understand how life works. Just because YOU don’t like hip hop music, doesn’t mean the millions of us who do, don’t. There’s a reason why hip hop is the most popular genre of music. People actually like and listen to it
jesus christ
I just asked how old you are, you sure a spastic.
Didn't say shit about music or liking it or not, you sure are insufferable and it makes total sense why you'd soak up nig glorifying trash.
I like hip hop and this is some real awful music you’re into dude, regardless of your age or if you’re a total spaz or not. Have some chill.
you talk like a fag and your shit's retarded
I don't care for the guy's music, but I'll give credit that the production for his latest music video was pretty nice, and the track itself was short and sweet.
he looks like his mum banged a bag of skittles, honestly. And the noises he makes, unholy. Is this even music anymore?
Naw I don't care enough