Hey Zig Forumsros. Oldfag here. I just relapsed after 4 years of sobriety. I'm technically a heroin addict but blo is still fun. AMA faggets!
Hey Zig Forumsros. Oldfag here. I just relapsed after 4 years of sobriety...
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inject it into your balls
Who molested you and why can't u deal with it?
Where'd you get it
I rarely post anymore because Zig Forums has become so god damn cancerous. I dont even know why I come here honestly. I guess I like to hold onto the hope that theres other real oldfags like me who occasionally make quality breads. I fucking despise all the god damn porn fags and I literally pray for the furfags to die en masse. Some say Zig Forums was never good. Ok I get it but that's not true. Zig Forums used to have quality threads almost daily. Now its monthly at best. Every time we rally together to try to make Zig Forums great again I get stoked, but the god damn fucking pieces of shit that run and own the site dont care that its been ruined. YLYL threads used to actually make me laugh my ass off. Now they literally dont make the slightest impression on me. I'm not suicidal or blackpilled but I feel like I have nothing to lose anymore and regularly fantasize about killing all the faggots posting cancer here, as well as all the fucking faggots ruining society as a whole.
I've never been molested as far as I know. Sometimes I do wonder if I was molested and I just block out the memory.
I got it from a friend of course. I paid way too much for it but idgaf
I injected into my dick vein once but theres no way I'd be able to inject in my balls. I have a hard enough time as it is
Inb4 OP is a faggot. Fuck yeah I'm a faggot bitch. But at least I'm not a newfag/pornfag/furfag/niggfag etc
We can just go for an attack against Zig Forums, not CP since there's so many reddit mods and jannies, but set up a coordinated effort and plan out a bunch of threads to make that are not spam. I dunno. We could make an IRC in rizon and until enough are interested. Sorry, OP for derailing a bit