Hey Zig Forumsros. Oldfag here. I just relapsed after 4 years of sobriety...

Hey Zig Forumsros. Oldfag here. I just relapsed after 4 years of sobriety. I'm technically a heroin addict but blo is still fun. AMA faggets!

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inject it into your balls

Who molested you and why can't u deal with it?

Where'd you get it

I rarely post anymore because Zig Forums has become so god damn cancerous. I dont even know why I come here honestly. I guess I like to hold onto the hope that theres other real oldfags like me who occasionally make quality breads. I fucking despise all the god damn porn fags and I literally pray for the furfags to die en masse. Some say Zig Forums was never good. Ok I get it but that's not true. Zig Forums used to have quality threads almost daily. Now its monthly at best. Every time we rally together to try to make Zig Forums great again I get stoked, but the god damn fucking pieces of shit that run and own the site dont care that its been ruined. YLYL threads used to actually make me laugh my ass off. Now they literally dont make the slightest impression on me. I'm not suicidal or blackpilled but I feel like I have nothing to lose anymore and regularly fantasize about killing all the faggots posting cancer here, as well as all the fucking faggots ruining society as a whole.

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I've never been molested as far as I know. Sometimes I do wonder if I was molested and I just block out the memory.

I got it from a friend of course. I paid way too much for it but idgaf

I injected into my dick vein once but theres no way I'd be able to inject in my balls. I have a hard enough time as it is

Inb4 OP is a faggot. Fuck yeah I'm a faggot bitch. But at least I'm not a newfag/pornfag/furfag/niggfag etc

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We can just go for an attack against Zig Forums, not CP since there's so many reddit mods and jannies, but set up a coordinated effort and plan out a bunch of threads to make that are not spam. I dunno. We could make an IRC in rizon and until enough are interested. Sorry, OP for derailing a bit

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fucking hell that looks like ricin
i always wanted to be a heroin addict but not now

Nono I don't think this is derailing at all. That's exactly why i posted this. Were you here awhile back when we made a coordinated effort to take down the porn fags and posted a bunch of "yellow" shit? I think we did a good fucking job but unfortunately it didnt work. The powers that Zig Forums are far too powerful. If I had the money I'd personally buy Zig Forums and set it straight. Maybe we could pool enough money together to buy out safe haven back

kek should have bought that 10lb bag of poppy seeds and slowly heated it to 110F then ran it through a metal screen filter

don't do that "cold extraction" shit because the jittery headache causing chemicals are reduced by the heating.

The picture isn't accurate. Its definitely not ricin, I just haven't broken up all the rocks. it's kinda shitty blow but it hasn't killed me yet.

Fuck poppy seeds bro. It's so hard to find any havent been washed I dont even bother with them. My philosophy is that if you cant inject it IV, it's being wasted

>coordinated effort to take down the porn fags and posted a bunch of "yellow" shit
Yes, that's exactly what I mean. The mods and jannies removed the yellow shit cuz it was just spam. No conversation. If we flood with actual conversation, Zig Forums will actually like the change of pace. Going from porn spam to non-porn spam is lame, especially since /bant/ exists. But actually flooding with well-made threads? I think Zig Forums would like it.

Who knows this character? I fuckin love rockso

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stay drug addicted then, i'll just enjoy my nice and legal stuff

what your favorite YTMND? this one is one of my favorites.


I'm not sure. I'm definitely willing to try anything. I just feel like theres too many pornfags and bots as well. Even if we did flood it with quality breads, it would probably just die off and porn would take over again. I really think the problem is in the owners and the mods and the fagget jannies. We would have to cut off the cancer at its roots. I'm convinced that the powers that Zig Forums are getting paid off to allow/push cancer.

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how long have you had those needles? one on the right looks like the print has worn down quite a bit. where you at somewhere in Asia?

I dont think this will send me back into active addiction. Even if I wanted to do heroin (I dont) I wouldn't know where to get it as I'm living in a new location than where I spent my active addiction. not just a new city but a new country with strict drug laws. I wouldn't risk it.

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I dont know what YTMND is and I'm skeptical of that link. Someone else click it

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You're a smart fucker eh? Yeah I'm in asia and the one that looks wore out is new but I scraped the printing off for fun I guess. Idk why I did it.

Sorry if I'm slow to reply Zig Forumsros. Just be patient I'll try to get to everyone if I can.

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I have plenty of new ones as well. It's easy to get rigs here.

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#4san on rizon

Zig Forums has been taken over by interdimensional demonic aliens

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What the fuck is that supposed to mean

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It's the IRC channel. ???

I'm not like super technically inclined person. I do have an IRC program or whatever and I just used it for the first time a couple weeks ago but I really fucking struggled trying to set up the channel. But I'll certainly give it a go

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What happens there? Are yall actively planning to take back Zig Forums ?

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