S/fur again

s/fur again.

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Incest is bestcest

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i need to make breakfast

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Breakfast is not allowed. One meal per day only.

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Don't play with sticks in the cockpit, kids!

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I'm unable to understand how it is possible to fire from it on the ground... (I know people are idiots able to improvise well) But there are safety pins and most propably kind of "gear down switch off" system.

Anyway, hello everyone in thread :3

In military for every safety switch there is an override switch. Often.

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I have made the creme of the wheat!

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I'm not sure about "the switch"
But from my experience, there is often that one clever idiot able to do it somehow... (if I remember well, in such situation he had to "over-turn" at least 3 systems to be able to fire from vulcan on the ground)

e.g. on russian planes is switch which block arm. system while gear is locked down. It works well, but in some situations, mostly with burst fire rockets is danger that the "master unit" of rocked pod/pilon will fire on ground (due to inccorect setting of analog switch and shortconnection)

so that's why they call it the joy-stick

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Hello floofs :3
I apologize that I'm unable to contribute here... But my PC is kill and from phone I'm unable to post...

why do they call it a joystick?
going to these lengths to be here
may your computron be unkill
may the floofs flow with you

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Komputor is kill... I was able to pull out most important folders (furry stuff as well ofc)

Next step is to take it to the range and clear HDD and rest of laptop with 00buck...

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given the location of the joystick being right between the legs in most planes that have one, it's probably a dick joke.

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>tfw everything is dick joke to you.

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that.... actually might be true.
sup horsie

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I don't wanna be horny anymore. I just wanna be happy

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