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Random #8345
Putin controls trump
My neighbors kicked my cat last night, Zig Forums. He's okay...
We need another holocaust
How does it feel to vote for a dictator. How does it feel to vote for a coward?
How is it even legal for doctors to do this to people?
Would you respect a girl if she had sex for money ? or if she had an onlyfans?
Guys I'm absurdly high right now
A 13 year old (SourHoney) went to meet with a MAP from twitter and hasn't been heard from for 3 days
What are your thoughts on the current state of imageboards and imageboard culture Zig Forums?
Ok Zig Forums, i'm gonna kill myself. i'm still not sure how, give me some creative ideas...
The ultimate movie selection rolling thread
Honey, what you want for dinner?
So I’ve had this lump on my nutsack for a few weeks now. It’s no bigger than a pebble...
G/fur horsecock edition
Drawthread: can’t see the haters edition
How do you stop them?
Does anyone on here know magic? Like actual magic, not card tricks and not fake occult/Wiccan stuff
They kicked me out Zig Forums
Waifu the bread
What happens if you are baptized, run around being a heathen and eventually find the way back...
I'm on the verge of attacking my step mom
Fuck you lurker
Mexican , are the new Asian .. they have tiny dicks. Anyone have experience of a tiny spic dick?
Hunger Games Thread
Children should not be able to be adopted by transsexuals
This is my girl Zig Forums, we met protesting for racial justice!
Feeling worse than I have in a long fucking time
Roll for your girl! Announce a number, if it's your last digit I'll post a picture of the girl. Red=non nude...
Post you eyes
Shota greentext thread
Who was your first celebrity crush, Zig Forums?
AOC thread. Let’s see those tits
Which would you rather have sex with Zig Forums?
Judge my PC harshly
It's cub 'o clock, user. Time to post cubs
Cool/interesting/weird pictures that you could use as a profile picture for steam/discord
I'm a 20yo virgin, scrawny and wear glasses.Throughout my entire school life I was bullied, extorted...
I recently got a handful of vibrators and dildos in a blind box at an estate sale. They're used, and I don't need them...
Real men stick with their girls no matter what even if they have an Onlyfans
Teach me how to be more responsible with money
Dubs decide if i kill myself
Why are you not buying Tesla stock? It just seems to keep going up and up?
The Hunger Games Commandments;
Can someone explain to me why Americans, especially Republicans hate China so much?
White/slightly yellow residue builds up on my tongue and it causes bad breath, why does this happen...
What’s /b drinking tonight
Be honest user
Post your partner's nudes
Why do video games turn men into homosexual men? Why so many trannies? Is it a result of not being around women? Answer...
Post nudes, guess location, complete sets
ITT: we pretend that we come from a parallel dimension where hillary clinton is president
Why is he such a hated piece of shit?
Hey yall, if i do these steps. 1: seal my door with towels, 2: open a window...
I'm just gonna say it how it is
Drawthread: nigga toe suck edition
How awesome was the late 90s?
Are these actually her nudes?
Can he really be defeated? He's too strong
You guys ready to watch this senile, old fart seal his fate?
Hi I have bpd ama
Loli(Illya) Thread
I’m in a really difficult situation and need some advice
Trap thread
What would realistically happen to you if these three men had broken into your house with the intent to harm you and...
Daily Most Enjoyable Berserk Thread
I just taught my oldest child that the First Amendment is the most beautiful expression of any political principle that...
The Hunger Games Commandments;
What is the easiest board to troll? For me it’s /k/...
Post what you got on your paste
Dubs post ass
Female penis
Meeting my ex-shortly, think we’ll get back together get married and build a house and have some children
Do any other/b/tards work for Amazon? If so how do you like it?
Trips make him stop breathing
Hello Zig Forums...
Zig Forums has a humble lurker.. my skin in getting these spots all over...
Coronavirus is not real
You're given the opportunity to stick your penis in and out of one, and only one, of the two in pic related...
She super cute and has a lot of great ideas!
Im actually getting pretty sick of the mask
Any welfare queen military (((((men))))) on here? Come out so we can laugh at you
Any idea what this is, it’s on my chest and hurts like a mf
Hunger Games
God Tier Albums
What age does it become weird to still be a Virgin I’m 20 and it feels like everyone around me has had sex at least...
Does anyone know what might be causing my girlfriend this problem...
It's showtime. Night 4
Who has experience with food poisoning?
Recently i finally watched Breaking Bad series in its entirety. One scene remained unclear to me. Why...
Should there be a name for people who are exclusively attracted to trans-women?
Men get raped too
Shota thread
S/fur I figured that the best way to jerk off is stroking the retracted foreskin directly behind the glans
Cursed images
Got any music that will make me feel energized and maybe even laugh? I am so tired. I don't like Bo Burnham or Weird Al...
When was the last time you interacted with a girl
I get sleepy when im
How do you insult fat people...
I wanna eat male ass so bad
Take a wojack leave a wojack
And Trump wants to deport these poor people?
Hey Zig Forums. Every time I see a woman in a hijab or burqa, etc, I get instant diamonds. Wat do?
I have a question. Despite the coronavirus being such a dangerous, wide spread pandemic...
What are your thoughts on gay interracial relationships, Zig Forums?
Loli Threaddddddddddddd
Zig Forums is compromised. The janitors and mods abuse their power, discriminate against people they don't like...
Thoughts on the whole cuties/Netflix scandal?
What is goon/gooning?
Man i'm fucking tired of this shit
Dubs post a nude of themselves or their partner
Who will you pick?
Post fascist girls
Hi Zig Forums so this ugly sandnigger slept with my gf...
/IHT/ - India Hate Thread
The most racist white people are the same ones who have never or rarely interact with Black people...
Ask a 20 year old superior to you anything
This guy needs the death penalty, not because of the guy he killed...
How come the USA hasn't banned guns yet when every other first world nation has...
Hey faggots where's that wall at? Dont tell me you actually believed him!! XD
Drawthread empty edition
After 6 years of being an alcoholic i'm on day 4 of being sober and I feel great :) here's some titties
Just got into spy camming
Zig Forums - Random
Why don't you own an AR-15 Zig Forums?
Cursed Image Thread
Can we have the glory days thread?
WWYD to my cheating ex?
Femanon here
You have 20 seconds to prove you're not a nazifag
Gf friend wants to be a model, what are her chances ?
Post things that unreasonably scares the shit out of you
Right now, you’re either voting for Trump or you’re voting against Trump...
Name my band
What's better beer or weed?
What is the best Elder Scrolls game and why is it Morrowind?
What did they mean by this?
Therapy and antidepressants are complete bullshit. Our system of psychiatry is bullshit. They wont help you...
Why is being a pedophile being normalized, IT SHOULDN'T BE OK if you're in love with children STOP
Why is he such a hated piece of shit?
Share and Rate Boogers. A thread
Zig Forums
Futa thread
Go to Belgrade, Serbia on a business trip
Imagine being some poor welfare scum in the bumfuck southern US and bragging about donating money towards "Building Muh...
Ywn be a teenage lesbian exploring her budding sexuality with another young girl
Harry potter r34
Hey Zig Forums. can you roll something good for me? because i know i can't even roll dubs
I’m in love with my step sister and I can’t control myself around her...
Hunger Games Thread
I fucked pornstar Lisa Sparxxx at my best friends bachelor party
Where does Zig Forums hide their dildo?
What's Zig Forums's opinion on this?
Post the sexiest young looking Gilf you would bang in a heart beat!
Nostalgia/longing for a time that I never lived through
Waifu Brain Damage
If you roll dubs, clean your room
Would you fuck Emma Watson?
Ok libs, cool. You got a scalp. If he committed a crime, send his ass to prison
Roll dubs, post a nude of yourself
If b/ was a person
I am a sadistic misogynist, and genuinely get off and enjoy physically and sexually abusing women
I made this in a computer game. I customized each detail of her face and body...
Starting off with my sisters feet
Any medfag?
Well, Zig Forums?
Some other B/tard posted this chick earlier today but the asshole didn't give sauce or name and image search helped...
Is self defense against multiple people a meme...
Hunger games
Zig Forumsros im alone in the pub for my birthday i need someone to talk to anyone about anything
A very radnom thread
Anyone know what this thing is? Thinks it’s camouflaged but it’s retarded and I seen it walkin around
Discuss and post your favorite ASMR channels! :p
There's a certain Netflix film which deserves repercussions...
Shota time?
I am your healer
Rape and responsibility
Just started WoW classic
Every second fucking post is about American politics
Would it be possible to tone up in 4 month?
How much Xanax and alcohol would it take to make me never wake up?
Let's get some fucking Loli videos, bonus for audio
S/fur thread
Elyse Willems/Funhaus
Trap thread: only with face edition
Will you get the vaccine?
I am so sick and tired of whores crying online about their nudes being shared "without consent"
Conservatives be like
Post your results
What would you do to this hairy pregnant pussy?
There it is. The normalization of CP has begun
Suicidal people of Zig Forums why haven't you done it yet???
Why aren't you alarmed that black men make up nearly 40% of the prison population while only being 6% of the US...
Drawthread: tgt edition
When do you plan on being a father?
Name ONE (1) actually racist thing that he has said
Are you a cretin?
If THIS isnt you're ideal woman then your gay
Talk shit, get hit
Tell me why you are voting for this man without mentioning Donald Trump
Here we go again guys. I need your dubs along with a picture of human (face on is best)...
A war erupts and all of Zig Forums is called up to fight. What is your weapon of choice and job in our battle group...
Met a girl a month ago who goes to my college...
I don't know why, but I like it when my gf uploads pics like this on IG, all sweaty
How many of you have actually donated/subscribed for het content? I've spent $947 dollars on her this year alone...
Im the one who states things on b. ama
Would you bang a black woman?
Waifu Culling
Cont. Dump of my wife
Name a president worse than Donald trump
Jessica Nigri thread or other cosplay sluts
What's your political compass location. Here is mine
Zig Forums create yourself in this avatar maker
Bondage thread
The California fires are bad. I might die
When is it okay to be raycist?
Unironic autist here. I fucking hate this shit...
Eurofags!!! Need your help. I saw this story and said to myself - how da fuq will they communicate...
Girls unaware of exposure
Little teen titties thread!
Freshly baked loli bread
Women are sluts and it's not a bad thing to say
Hahaha how does it feel now, Trumptards...
I have two kids. I drove them to school this morning. I was obliteratedly drunk. I mean...
Mexico is gonna pay for the wall
Daily reminder that all Republicans are criminals
I'm a born and raised Filipino, never been out of the country. AMA
Be me
Tfw no qt latina rapist gf
Just jerked off to bestiality and enjoyed. Wtf is wrong with me? I want to vomit and simultaneously kill myself...
I'm thinking of starting a regular 'spanish general' thread for Zig Forumsfags learning spanish...
Do Americans really?
Only dubs or above are allowed to fap tonight roll asshats
Tfw you have no jawline
18 year old Billie Eilish attacked Trump, claiming how he is ruining America...
Why are americans generally ugly?
After 8 years of almost killing my back on a rock hard plastic chair, I was able to afford a decent chair...
Dubs and I put this up my ass
Meet girl at college in 2014
How can white women compete?
I might die soon. Possibly within the next 24 hours. Do not ask about it because I don’t feel like rambling about it...
How depressed are you ?
Why does Belle Delphine inspire so much bitter envy & hatred from 4channers?
Why are the Republicans so against voting by mail when their own Trump led committee did an entire investigation on...
Hey newfags
Waifu Blackberry Pancakes
Ass rate thread
What’s this position called?
So im in an open relationship...
Your age
Netflix made a big oopsie today
Destroy a first date with your opening line
Celeb thread - “We’re here, We’re queer, We’ll never disappear” Edition
How should a horse girl get snuffed out?
Oh, you're just transPHOBIC!!!
Do you agree with Muslims that gays are a threat to children and the stability of culture?
Is Islam right about the dangers trannies and queers pose to society?
Why do democrats want universal mail-in voting so bad...
First person to get trips in king of Zig Forums and gets to declare the war on other boards
Whats the gayest shit you’ve ever done?
Im a Swede, Ama Zig Forums
Behold the new method of masturbation! Just water your glans, foreskin and frenulum as on GIFrel...
What a Sweet angel
Hello, I just found this website and I am a Neo-Nazi. Am I welcomed here
Loli thread
A lot of kids at school are making fun of me saying I look like a boy (I'm a girl!)...
What does penis taste like?
Why do niggers act like such subhuman
Hello how to prevent bullying? I have been bullied at school for 8 years as verbal abuse...
Good Morning user
My waifu
'You don't need me to tell you things are a mess,' she said before her song...
What's your opinion on abortion?
I'm a basic white girl with the attitude of a real nigga
Good morning! Thought you might like some of my mac n cheese
Who has 10 dollarydoos to spare
It's 2020. Why don't you have a girlfriend, user?
Wake up in the morning
What are your thoughts on Putin?
Daily reminder that if you don't look ANYTHING like this guy...
How do I get a gf that looks like her?
You find out your 18 year old daughter does nude modelling for porn websites but not hardcore porn
Which country do you hate the most
Riddle me this. Despite the coronavirus being such a dangerous, wide spread pandemic...
No one is born homosexual
Walk into your bedroom
Should I move to san francisco or new york city?
Want to listen to some music
ITT we post our favorite subreddits
Cub dab
Loli thread
Deutscher Faden
Question to every black skinned person out here
Roll guys. I'll protect you from 0. Except retards niggers, racists, femanons and incels
WWYD to my cheating ex?
Waifu thread!
Wants to know what happend that night in Las Vegas with my wife and random guys
You may only post dubs in this thread
I dunno. Gay femboy stuff or whatever
1. Get slaves
What is your favorite fantasy to think about to help you fall asleep?
What would you do if you are back to 19 yo yourself?
Mr. President
How many of you first came here in 2003-2005?
What does /b call these things?
In the trash where it belongs
Why don't you you have a legal machinegun user?
What's your favorite joke Zig Forums?
Ask a Houston firefighter anything, part 2
Hello anons, if there ever was a time for Zig Forums to use it’s weaponised autism for the good of humanity...
Be me
Hunger Games 24 slots
Does anyone know how you are supposed to find those asian handjob massage places...
I think I'm going to kill myself before long
More like this? misleading images bread
Are Jews actually smarter than white people? Or is that just Jewish propaganda?
Be me
Wwyd thread, no limits, as rough as you want
Hey Zig Forums so I’m 22 and I took shrooms for the first time...
Hunger Games
Yo wtf is that??
Unpopular films that are actually very good
Want thread
Zig Forumsros Pedoflix is making a French movie called Cuties. Starring an 11 year old muslim girl who twerks
Be me
The most popular threads on Zig Forums are now banned. Zig Forums being the most popular board on Zig Forums...
What are you gonna say to him to get in?
Why is there so many faggots and trannies on discord? Is this the only place these abominations are accepted?
Ylyl thread
Zig Forums Collectivism is still collectivism
Am i gunna make it bros?
I'll go to a date tonight while I'm gone take care of my purple stud is valuable and It would be a shame if something...
Shota thread, coomers and shills go to your own damn boards
People say Trump is racist but can’t give a racist quote from him but Biden has said several racist things and...
Waifu Coffee Pot Sip
Hunger Games Thread
Does anyone else solvent abuse or is it just me?
I've noticed there are roaches in my room. Luckily not a lot of them, but two pretty big ones so far...
Drawthread: Big Titty Dyke Edition
Trap thread- goodnight Allana edition
This upcoming election, how will you vote?
Hey Zig Forums, any cat owners here?
You ever thought about switching gender? Why?
Give me photos and I will run them through a deepnude program without doing any work to ensure it doesn't turn into a...
I ate alone last Friday, by myself, drinking a bud lite at a hamburger joint. This has been my ritual every Friday...
Roll for your girl! Blue number means I have nudes...
Dubs post ass
Seems to be a good 50/50 mix of either loving or hating this
Love me some man ass and cock!
Hunger Games Thread
Sweet angel
S/fur Masterrrace
Y'all seem to support the Republican party and blame Democrats for the worlds problems...
Obama directly attacks Donald Trump in speech tonight
Create a story for this image
What grinds your gears?
Comfy Thread
Would Zig Forums enjoy this movie?
Gwen and other Western Girlies Thread
Milfs milfs milfs
My nigga Barack just creamed this pussyboi Trump lmao
Best ass you got
This is the Democrat's favorite governor. They tried replacing Biden with him, remember?
The Hunger Games Commandments;
Would you spend the night alone in an aviation museum for 50k? You have to sleep on the floor in the center
Only trips can be the real Dirty Dan!
Only the best and brightest!
I live on the us mex border. the blow hear is top shelf can’t feel my thought and jaw type shit...
What is best in life, Zig Forums?
Loli thread
Guys. what the fuck is wrong with Zig Forums...
If you vote for drumpf
Excuse me but what even is this bullshit?
Third-world disposable bitches from the slums. Fuck Summerfags Edition. Also, AMA
Tell me your rape stories so I can jerk off to them
How can I acquire firearms illegally online?
BIDEN 2020
I think I might have schizophrenia, and I think I just killed my schizophrenia gf
Daily Most Enjoyable Berserk Thread
What’s up Zig Forums
The media is portraying the Democrats as a political party that stands for peace and love...
ITT: old guys give life advice to young fags
What is best place in Chicago for pizza?
Feels Thread?
Hunger Games Thread
be me
Does anyone else think long nails look disgusting and trashy?
There's thousands and thousands of videos on the internet displaying a complete lack of empathy in the black community...
ITT: Your oldest Zig Forums cap
Fuck Goodyear
From 2001 to 2018 MTV aired a series named MTV Diary, which followed Celebs in their Day to day life...
This is the song that doesn't end
Hottest girl on the internet, change my mind
The only reason you would vote Democrat in 2020 is if you are stupid or hate your country
Now that this rule is finally enforced. Can Zig Forums mods and jannies ban Loli threads...
Roll dubs, post a nude of yourself
Celebs Etc
Hunger games first 24 maybe 36
Is there still hope for manlets?
Simps, why do you throw awayhundreds and thousands of dollarson some Twitch thot who, at theend of the day...
Waifu claim thread
Post ANYTHING as long as it has a GUN in it
How do white women feel when they get bred by black men?
What’s your best Tinder pickup line Zig Forumsros...
Drawthread: "Taco Tuesday was yesterday, motherfuckers" Edition
Post girls you shouldn’t share
Opinion on big clits?
Hunger Games
How did Netflix get away with this and how did they think of this in the first place...
This bitch is currently sucking my dick, who wants to see?
Insecure Manlet thread
Comments for my pathetic whore paki sis from Kent
Wincest Wednesday, all are welcome
How come we don’t have Venti deepfakes yet?
Should i go downstairs and raid my stepsisters panties & socks drawer
Describe your ideal wife
What's the fastest way to become spiritually awakened?
How the fuck are there still people today that either refuse to believe or accept...
My ching chong roommate had her first time with vodka and alprazolam
Hunger Games Thread
Hunger Games Thread
Dump of pics of one of my roommates (I live with 2 girls and 1 guy)
1) 96.4 % of the inmates are men
Why does everyone keep saying “Trump is going to go down in history as the worst president ever”...
My ching chong roommate had her first taste of vodka and alprazolam. Dubs decides what I do next
New loli thread
I’m nearly 30. How the fuck did that happen?
Its time for you vaccination user!
Rekt thread
Hey Zig Forums
We have never had a president so ill-informed about the nature of his office, so openly mendacious, so self-destructive...
This face is why I'm an incel
Visiting sister in LA. She's gone but room mate is there. Sister on way back: 20 min. Walk in bathroom, see this...
Why are Zig Forums's hunger game hosts so lazy?
Post anything
Cats are disgusting
Do you believe that all lives are important? Or only that black lives are important?
Based Ben does it again!
First three words that come to mind?
Why are American white men such cucks? Why do they tolerate such garbage?
Post your waifu and I'll draw a nose on her
What do you think about QAnon?
Nooooo slippery slope is a logical fallacy
How are you on this fine day b?
Enhancement thread - post your girls and I'll try to fix up their faces
What are the top 3 reasons to NOT kill yourself ?
Her face is so weird, but I still want to drop a load on it so badly
Hi b, so I’ve been having fag thoughts and thought I’d like to try some dick
Triple get full body pic
This girl
How come so many kissless virgin loners who hang out on Zig Forums become nazis or join the alt right?
You could have saved her
Be me
How can white women compete?
Why are traps so fucking cute?
Hey Zig Forums liberals and reddit refugees
No rerolls. You know you want to
YLYL, This my first meme, please dont downvote me faggots
The whole world laughs at America
I fucked this shemale today in houston Zig Forums also general trap thread
I still hate niggers
Respond or mom n dad ded
Gwen and other Western loli thread
Infographics thread
Black metal thread
A pornstar took this dump at a hotel I work at in LA. Trips and I reveal which one did this
Im sorreh my loves... cause i forgot about potato
Can't even describe how happy I am now that Zig Forums is dead. Been waiting for this moment for years...
What do you think about brazil ?
Rollposting thread time haha
Zig Forums I am extremely disappointed that society has become overly sexualized, does anyone else feel like this...
Why did I get into computer programming?
Just failed at suicide like everything in my life is there any reason to life...
Hunger Games Thread OC
This is what a 24 year old guy that have never had puberty looks like
Who's got this slut's archive?
It's that time of the day again, come on in let's have a chat
Is bill going to jail?
Be me
Dump of pics of one of my roommates (24). Some from her socials, some I found on her phone. Nudes included!
This type of pussy is the nicest type of pussy
Are you voting? Yes or no
Ok fr. What is stopping the us from invading and occupying Mexico other then politics...
Waifu Head Trauma
Gore thread. Can we get some good old gore? Bonus points for rare images, I'll be dumping
Big tiddy thread
I'm a 28 year old loser, never had a real relationship with anyone, I have one true friend. No job, fucked health...
Hunger Games Thread
Well, Trumptards, looks like it's over. Get those kneepads ready!
I hate niggers
September Predictions from Zig Forums
Creep/Voyeur/Spy Thread
Young & Big
Big Loli Kahuna
Is there anyway to view a private instagram?
Explain yourself America!
Drawthread: internet warrior edition
Likes big butts
Wtf is this. There’s a rat or something’s vertebrae in my fucking bathroom. What is this Zig Forumsros
I am going to vote Trump
29 sissy faggot CD here Zig Forums
Calling for a boycott of an American manufacturing company based in a swing state less than three months before an...
Why do you still eat dead animals in 2020 Zig Forums ?
When's the last time you guys got some pussy? For me it's been like 5-6 months
Midday Hunger Games Thread
What do?
Serious question for Zig Forums
Lmao ohhhhhh Biden
I fucked my mother in law about 20 times over the course of a week while my wife was working double shifts
I’m 23 and want a 16-18 year old gf, is that bad...
What's better
Hey Zig Forumsros. Just wanna take a moment to say something. If you reheat you’re pizza in the microwave...
Im not simply a disbeliever in religion, I am actively anti-religious
Is there a valid argument against socialized medicine...
Favourite kind. Of lingerie thread?
Are you a chaser?
Why is no one talking about this
When was the last time you were breast fed Zig Forums?
Alright lads Im a bit bored. Give me an email or user and Ill see what I can find
Deutscher faden
Would you fuck a nigger?
Question, how did you guys find Zig Forums/get into it. Just curious
This is a single serving in America. Explain yourself!
Secret cub thread, don't tell the other cubbers
The age old Question. When does she peek
What's the worst thing you've done for money?
Will i have gay sex in future?
Regrettably, my girlfriend passed away in a train explosion several years ago
Zig Forumsrothers I have a crush on a shota boy and can't help myself!
If you choose AK, you're probably young or not living in US
Found nudes of my friend, pic related. Roll dubs to remove face censor, trips for full pic
Be 18 out of high school
These blonde besties invite you at their house for a sleep over.. how you react and wwyd? :D
Back again because fuck /o/
What's your preference and why?
Moot, reply to this thread
Be me
Waifu claim thread
Almost only wins
Fat people hate thread
There is absolutly nothing wrong with a straight man enjoying anal sex
Ok sound off:
ITT: We post things we own that we don’t think other Zig Forumsros own. If someone else owns one, you lose
Hey b/tards, I know this is gross. But any chance this is a very early stage yeast infection?
S/fur again
New YLYL before other one reaches bump limit (a.k.a. autosage)
On/Off. New and fresh get ITT
Does this look infected?
So my stupid girlfriend got mad at me and threw out all my underwear and bought me these and said I’m wearing them...
Post Harry Potter Rule34. No gay stuff
Hey Zig Forums, im a faggot. i haven't always been a faggot, but im a faggot now. i started cooming when i was 14...
Ask a person who's voting for Joe Biden anything
Why is there no board for Trap, Sissy, Tranny and femboy porn?
Everything she does triggers conservacucks
You motherfuckers are all going to die.I swear to god i will, with the help of the authorities...
We were talking about this with a friend earlier: WHY ARE WHITE PEOPLE SO ANGRY AT BLACKS?
My husband is abusive (yelling, beating me up)... he weights 135 kgs and I weight 55 so I cannot push him away...
Brittany Venti
SO Zig Forums What are you getting
Soon, for all drumpftards
Sexy bitches in tight pants with nice asses
Are sucking on fake tits still enjoyable?
Loli thread
What the heck are we going to do if Trump wins 2020 elections??? We looked like complete morons last time...
This violent fascist attacked me and attempted to rob me of my Trump flag while I was peacefully waving my flag at an...
Absolutely rocked the DNC last night. Does not give a fuck, absolute big tit energy
I've studied the art of bbqing for years
Why? Why still believe in it?
What does Zig Forums think of my new friend?
There are "men" on this board right now browsing who are under 6'0 feet tall
What was the best thing about LimeWire and KaZaA and all of the other file sharing programs in your opinion?
Michigan Girls
I haven't eaten since Saturday night, don't have any money or food...
What is the best homemade dildo and lube?
So yeah just broke up my long term relationship, feeling alone, without self worth and a lingering failure atmosphere
Anyone else who would literally, seriously fuck their own mom if they could?
Someone has his nudes
Just turned 26, got kicked off parents health insurance
Apparently this is a real thing
Why do democrats want universal mail-in voting so bad...
Simps, why do you throw away hundreds and thousands of dollars on some Twitch thot who, at the end of the day...
Pepe thread
Rekt thread. We wuz kangs edition
Why can't the USA get Coronavirus under control?
Just a single mom struggling... Looking to see if anyone wants to donate a dollar or so. If not that's cool...
Feels thread. Please keep pics sfw. Thank you
Let’s take a moment to recognize the greatest American who ever lived, Donald J. Trump!
How do I last longer in bed Zig Forums?
New secrets thread! The one from yesterday got deleted so let’s carry on here, what are your deepest secrets
Good morning user
What does Zig Forums think of WWE?
Fat people are no different than alcoholics, drug addicts, or smokers. God hates fat people
Why do pedos call people who like lolis pedos
Rap thread. spit a verse, or just a couple lines, whatever you wanna do
People who like drawn 2D children are same as disgusting pedophiles who sexaulize real children
How can white women compete?
How can i tell if i'm retarded or not ?
WWYD to this cow and her milky udders? Also general wwyd thread- wholesome, brutal, degenerate edition
Honest opinion. Am I at all approachable?
How do I convince my wife to turn me into a sissy cuck?
A brain fart question. What's some most offensive/racist/sexist jokes you've heard?
My name is Elda
This isn't normal, liberals
I've always wished I was a gir
What should be done with her for all of the crimes?
As an obese introvert that has no friends
Name our band
Can we get a thread where’s pedos can comfortably talk about their experiences, behavior of or avoiding urges...
My girlfriend is always making mac n cheese! How do I get her to stop?
My heart is hurting from the pain
In 1 hour, the closest major city/military base to you will get nuked
Cub the shadows (feat. cub)
Would you, Zig Forums?
Pedophiles never decided to become pedophiles
How can I get sick on purpose in 72 hours must know ASAP
ITT: Choose your fighter
Biden is polling at 50%, something no presidential candidate (Democrat or Republican...
Keep alert!
Cringe/SFW thread? Like old times
Why do people get so mad when someone replies to Black Lives Matter with All Lives Matter?
I want people to stop calling me a faggot. How do I achieve this?
You’re now thinking of your mother, bent over spreading her ass cheeks wide...
What are you procrastinating Zig Forums?
Last threads
/smg/ stock market general
White peoples make me sick
I can't believe it he gave it a 4/10
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Brit/pol/ - Everyone's Lazy Edition
Dominion Voting orders Sidney Powell retract ‘baseless and false allegations’ or will sue
Zig Forums General Drawthread
UPDATE: Got vaccinated 3 days ago
/fr/ - Le francofil
Pay close attention to this
No Source = no Soul
Video Games
Ban big trucks
When an anglophone tries to speak a foreign language
Why don’t you own an AR-15?
You WILL take the vaccine
Zig Forums
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