I think I might have schizophrenia, and I think I just killed my schizophrenia gf
>be me
>be texting gf
>decide to make a joke
>say "hey want to hear something funny? the first time I met you, I thought I had forgotten to take my schizophrenia pills"
>she doesnt reply for a while
>she replies
>"lol i'm sure that's funny user, but idk what that medication is"
>I laugh it off a little and say "I cant tell if your being serious or not"
>she replies
>"oh, gotcha (: (:"
>I ask her again to clarify if she knows what it is or not
>she says that she really doesnt know what schizophrenia is
>I explain it to her
>after like 15 minutes I text her saying "I dont really have schizophrenia lol, it was just a joke"
>I explain the joke and how it was a compliment, saying that she was too good to be true
>half an hour goes by, nothing
>still no reply
>start to wonder
>what if she really was an illusion
>what if explaining what schizophrenia was to her killed her?
why wouldnt she know what schizophrenia is? why would she avoid the joke? holy fuck Zig Forums, did I just kill my fake girlfriend?
I think I might have schizophrenia, and I think I just killed my schizophrenia gf
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fucking stupid post. kill yourself my man
Are you retarded
what if I killed her though, she usually replies so fast
that's what i'm saying
what the fuck user, even I got confused ffs
she still hasnt replied
take yo pills fucker
take your meds schizo
If she was a figment of your imagination, you didn't kill her. You sent her to the nothing, where she's neither dead or alive. Just nothing. We can't comprehend nothing as a thing, it's not a black void, empty room, bottom of the ocean. If she wasn't a figment, you should call and leave a voicemail with the truth. Be a man about it and confront it.