'You don't need me to tell you things are a mess,' she said before her song...

'You don't need me to tell you things are a mess,' she said before her song. 'Donald Trump is destroying our country and everything, we care about'
Based or cringe?

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correct, donald trump is destroying (((their))) country and everything (((they))) care about, which is great.

Neither, just another out of touch celebrity with opinions, nothing new.

Why are people giving this crusty Hot Topic cumrag their attention?

cringe. this is virtue signalling to curry favor with entertainment industry that's very nigger centric

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She was deffo high filming that. Her eyes kept bugging out

What is wrong with his hair?


she's not wrong but anything billie eilish is cringe. shes the epitome of iM nOt LiKe OtHeR gIrLs.

Noone cares what ugly retards think.

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