'You don't need me to tell you things are a mess,' she said before her song...

'You don't need me to tell you things are a mess,' she said before her song. 'Donald Trump is destroying our country and everything, we care about'
Based or cringe?

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correct, donald trump is destroying (((their))) country and everything (((they))) care about, which is great.

Neither, just another out of touch celebrity with opinions, nothing new.

Why are people giving this crusty Hot Topic cumrag their attention?

cringe. this is virtue signalling to curry favor with entertainment industry that's very nigger centric

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She was deffo high filming that. Her eyes kept bugging out

What is wrong with his hair?


she's not wrong but anything billie eilish is cringe. shes the epitome of iM nOt LiKe OtHeR gIrLs.

Noone cares what ugly retards think.

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>tfw you've been used up by every globalist pedophile jew in the industry and you're barely 18
She looks a mess.

Voting and military age needs to be moved to 21. Just like cigarettes. The youth after gen x has become retarded and sheltered.

she's just unique dude, she seems really genuine and maybe more teen girls will start doing that hot neon hair thing

>she seems really genuine
She's an industry plant. It's incredibly obvious. Her record label was shilling her album on Zig Forums for almost a year before it even came out.

What does a 18yo-hoe even know about politics or how a country runs

Who is this dude

that's what every cynic says about everyone who has some success

Based. Shit's gone south since Trump took over. The only thing he's doing really right is fucking with China. Fuck Chinaman. But America is clearly not better off now than it was 4 years ago.

Does she fuck her brother Finneas?

If you find this disgusting whore attractive, I've got bad news for you....You've been brainwashed!!!

it's okay to be homosexual my dude

My favorite band is The Beatles. I don't care about success. She's just fake as shit.

my favorite band was the beatles when I was 15 too

Big jugs tho...


Advice from a freak....do the math

Take a look at that picture, then you tell me.
Exactly. Performers are the equivalent of prostitutes. They "perform" for people with real jobs. It is a serious flaw in our society, a sign of decadence, that we have elevated people who are basically whores to such prominence.

>America is clearly not better off now than it was 4 years ago.
I am, though. That's why I am voting for Trump.


Voting Trump
Didn't vote in 2016
Fuck BLM terrorists and looters
Antifa will riot and try to storm Whitehouse
US military will crush them into dust

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you aren't even old enough to vote, cocksucker.

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a military man is saying this to you your whole life you've been lied to the history of the world fabricated by an actors guild that only wishes to take the population for a ride. It's accurate.

>implying dying your hair crazy colors is unique for a teenage girl

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Yeah, it's a requirement to be completely selfish I suppose... also retarded, since if you're not a millionaire his policies hurt you more than help you. The priority of trumptards is seeing other people get hurt too, which makes it all worth it right? Bunch of brainless retards

Billie is unconventionally hot, it's like, I look at her and think, "WTF? She's not that pretty and she dresses like she fell into the dumpster behind the Goodwill store, but I'd still hit it like a runaway semi."

She's got singing talent, but her songwriting is pure cringe.

So she's not exactly good, but she's not bad, either. Most of her interviews she seems like someone it'd be fun to hang out with, too, so I guess I just don't get the vast amount of both positive and negative attention she gets. She's as middle of the road as it gets.

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It is generally funny to see a legit political party whip out some of the most mentally ill people they can find to tell us the guy who has the stock market at all time highs is "a danger".

These Democrats have lost their minds, or they are secretly working to re-elect Trump.

You're brain is fucked