>be 18 out of high school
>wageslave in retail for 10 years saving every penny I made
>be 28, make $9.50 when minimum is $7.25 ffeelsbadman, because of inflation I never really got a true raise
>but anyway, managed to save 100k in thanks to my parents only making me pay for car insurance and cellphone, thanks mom and dad
>oh well, decide to quit my job at the start of covid
>family freaks out saying im lazy
>lol fuck outta here, fuck retail during a pandemic
>housing prices drop
>buy a 3-bedroom house for 80k in cash
>dump 5k into new furniture and appliances
>rent out two bedrooms for $600 each
>tenants cover all my bills
>have to share the house with them which sucks, but whatever
>friends who went to college and are now swimming in debt are yelling at me saying ill never be able to afford the taxes and upkeep
>maybe they're right, maybe they jelly idk, but im glad i dont have studen loan debt kek
>get a part-time job netting $200 a week
>decide to rent out my master bedroom for $700 and sleep in the downstairs office
>its just big enough for a full size bed, a tv, and a dresser
>all my bills and taxes are covered, I'm putting money into my savings, I have equity, and on top of everything I only work 3 days a week friends and family think i've gone off the deep end "living with strangers" and "quitting my job" but I think I've made it considering I only have a high school diploma.
I think the worst I'm in for is the possibility of shitty tenants, did I make the right move? I'm sick of wageslaving tbh