Be 18 out of high school

>be 18 out of high school
>wageslave in retail for 10 years saving every penny I made
>be 28, make $9.50 when minimum is $7.25 ffeelsbadman, because of inflation I never really got a true raise
>but anyway, managed to save 100k in thanks to my parents only making me pay for car insurance and cellphone, thanks mom and dad
>oh well, decide to quit my job at the start of covid
>family freaks out saying im lazy
>lol fuck outta here, fuck retail during a pandemic
>housing prices drop
>buy a 3-bedroom house for 80k in cash
>dump 5k into new furniture and appliances
>rent out two bedrooms for $600 each
>tenants cover all my bills
>have to share the house with them which sucks, but whatever
>friends who went to college and are now swimming in debt are yelling at me saying ill never be able to afford the taxes and upkeep
>maybe they're right, maybe they jelly idk, but im glad i dont have studen loan debt kek
>get a part-time job netting $200 a week
>decide to rent out my master bedroom for $700 and sleep in the downstairs office
>its just big enough for a full size bed, a tv, and a dresser
>all my bills and taxes are covered, I'm putting money into my savings, I have equity, and on top of everything I only work 3 days a week friends and family think i've gone off the deep end "living with strangers" and "quitting my job" but I think I've made it considering I only have a high school diploma.

I think the worst I'm in for is the possibility of shitty tenants, did I make the right move? I'm sick of wageslaving tbh

Attached: pepe.jpg (500x460, 30.39K)

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That sounds sick as fuck user you made it in life. Wageslaving for the rest of your life just means you failed and everyone that says otherwise is either just jealous of you or genuinely retarded

Nice dude


ty user. right now I'm growing my savings by $1500-$1700 a month

I'm sitting on $16,000. I want to get a new roof, remodel the kitchen, and perhaps get a bigger water heater. I'm thinking in two years all will be well with the house in terms of remodeling. I really don't want to, but i think I'm going to need to dump another 25k into the house over the next few years reeeee

A house for 80K? What? You must live in the shittiest part of the US. That sounds fucking gross.

Also, keep in mind you're living in your own 80K house in a fucking office. lmao

yeah bro you've got it made

lend money for bigger profits

Very clever. Financially savvy.
Unless Biden and Zira put a moratorium on collecting rent and Bernie and AOC take you for "re-education" for being a landlord. And by "re-education," I mean dumped in a long trough and dusted with lime.
The dead only know one thing....

Now that you have assets, you're The Enemy. Welcome aboard.

This is called househacking, it's based