Serious question for Zig Forums

Serious question for Zig Forums

How old does my mom look?

Pic related is her and my little sister

Attached: 44445.jpg (1030x1350, 494.32K)

Attached: asianaging.jpg (1600x480, 92.49K)

It's hard to tell from her face because shes not looking and has sunglasses on. She has the old lady hands and feet though. Probably 32

30-40. The sunglasses harden the decision

your little sister looks like a cave troll.
She's got mad thick hair tho.

le key is jaw


I'd fuck the piss out of your mom.

need one of these for latinas where after 22 they all just get fat as fuck from eating nothing but shit teir mexicrap food

does your mom always dress like a teenage slut? because thats a good mom