Why is no one talking about this

why is no one talking about this

Attached: emma_watson_topless_nude_sunbathing.jpg (1000x800, 124.64K)


What is this?

Attached: 982CAA69-E34B-47E9-905B-EF276B7BF2C6.jpg (2266x3405, 1.37M)

because it looks fake as fuck lmao

Because its photochopped as fuxk.

its not though

Google it you massive faggots

Cause it's in French.

You're about a week late. It's as fake as the bath video.

but its not fake

Attached: 8F73F0D5-4C57-4276-A986-8B1F41ED6B42.jpg (1632x2496, 914.83K)

Prove it.

why is no one talking about a feminist cunt that people stopped being attracted to when she grew up? The world may never know

was published in a french magazine "public.fr" go find the page about the article. Doubt a mag would shop a fake and post it.

Me no habla el frog.

But why google it, when OP wants people to fucking talk about it??
Nigga u dumb.

Full magazine page is posted on the Emma thread in /hr/. Resolution too high to post in Zig Forums

>Doubt a mag would shop a fake and post it

Attached: HAHA.jpg (960x733, 105.53K)

then post a link to the post

because it's not real you plebotomist


If it's real, why does she have a different face?

magazine sell copies = volume
some fake sells more than an apology later
oldest trick in the business

It's real. They just shopped another face on her body.

because it's old, newfag.

Attached: UtAAsWq.jpg (212x200, 6.6K)

It IS fake you dumb faggot.

>huuurrrr it’s on google!

Yea you stupid piece of shit, it’s a fucking search engine. This place is on google too and everything is photoshopped

Too busy fappin!

LMAO exactly! We got tired of her bull shit long ago and just becasue she was a child actor in HP didn't mean she could be a good actoer when grown.

Because it's a fake from a French tabloid rag known for publishing shoops.

The same magazine that published Sophie Turners topless sunbathing photos last year

Attached: 6b2e9cs760f51.jpg (2340x1872, 1.75M)

Here's other photos of her same day/outfit

Attached: HiofeRyf.jpg (3101x1920, 1.22M)

Can you send the link to the article? Can't find it on their page.

because we don't speak ewok

Prolly coz its fake as fuck.