>be me
>live in a mixed neighborhood
>niggers moved next door
>hate niggers
>every year new kid despite poverty
>noise is unbearable
>can't do anything about it
>hate niggers even more
>start hating children
Be me
Move to a new neighbourhood. It'll only get worse.
>be me
>be white
>use the word nigger only online
>too much of a pussy to say it irl
Yup, nothing says superior race by talking shit online OP. God imagine all your pure bred white loving master race ghost must think. I know if I was them, I would be like, “wait he’s just a talking brain like “niggers”. There is no real difference. Have the same organs and nervous system. Odd to think this faggor thinks his race makes him a better brain when all the brains formed survival tactics for hundreds of thousands of years to match their enviroments. I feel bad them. Imagine spending a lifetime thinking you were better only to die like everyone else and to be forgotten in the years to come.”
Yup not too bright, it’s not irony that every racist I have met usually isn’t the brightest. Some can grasp that there is a being underneath the skin.
Btfo pussy
>inb4 nigger comment
Nope sowwy I’m an Irish scientist, who cares about facts not feelings racist snowflakes
That explains a lot. Chimps support each others.
no one cares nigger lover
>everybody not a blonde, blue-eyed nordic is a chimp
>plot twist: only Americans with Africanized genes think so or care much
Ahahaha hahahah
Irishmen were treated just like niggers throughout history.
this explains why people says every irish is a twink