>be me
>live in a mixed neighborhood
>niggers moved next door
>hate niggers
>every year new kid despite poverty
>noise is unbearable
>can't do anything about it
>hate niggers even more
>start hating children
Be me
Move to a new neighbourhood. It'll only get worse.
>be me
>be white
>use the word nigger only online
>too much of a pussy to say it irl
Yup, nothing says superior race by talking shit online OP. God imagine all your pure bred white loving master race ghost must think. I know if I was them, I would be like, “wait he’s just a talking brain like “niggers”. There is no real difference. Have the same organs and nervous system. Odd to think this faggor thinks his race makes him a better brain when all the brains formed survival tactics for hundreds of thousands of years to match their enviroments. I feel bad them. Imagine spending a lifetime thinking you were better only to die like everyone else and to be forgotten in the years to come.”
Yup not too bright, it’s not irony that every racist I have met usually isn’t the brightest. Some can grasp that there is a being underneath the skin.
Btfo pussy
>inb4 nigger comment
Nope sowwy I’m an Irish scientist, who cares about facts not feelings racist snowflakes
That explains a lot. Chimps support each others.
no one cares nigger lover
>everybody not a blonde, blue-eyed nordic is a chimp
>plot twist: only Americans with Africanized genes think so or care much
Ahahaha hahahah
Irishmen were treated just like niggers throughout history.
this explains why people says every irish is a twink
At least you're somewhat more imaginative with your trolling. But you're still trying way too hard. I rate it a 4 out of 15.
>start hating children
Dont hate kids, hate niggers. Nice well raized white kids are amazing to have. Niggers are always trouble.
I literally only type nigger because it's faster than typing "black people", and people get butthurt over nigga
I am a conformist becoming one with my environment, nigger fag
I don't even hate well raised black kids.
I'm irish too, red/blonde hair and blue eyes.. I am literally 1% or some shit... the fact I have someone who can't even trace their routes, telling me I'm a peice of trash, is halarious. My grandparents moved to ireland from the Nederlands. Americans are so up their ass with this crap
>Just got new neighbors today
>It's a fucking ghetto black family with a bunch of kids
>Kids are always screaming like banshees and annoyingly bouncing basketballs all over my apartment complex
I'm so fucking tempted to deck one of those niglets in the fucking nose. God I miss the old neighbors, they were black but unlike those nig nogs they were really friendly and civilized.
potato nigger
because saying nigger in real life makes you lose your job
because words are evil and must be stopped at all costs
Feel u man. I have no hate against niggers per se but I hate uncivilized ppl and it just happens that most niggers are that.
It's not only niggers but gypsies, Muslims, spics etc
breed with their superior women OP
I am rape man.
It's cause people like that, that good people that actually contribute to society are getting thrown under the bus. All of are efforts are nearly meaningless when these fags start to act like animals.
As an intelligent Irish descendant, you fucking embarrass me.
I'm currently looking for source. I will report back when I find it.
>be me
>not attractive
>heading anywhere
>woman is in front of me
>will stop to let me go by her because she doesnt want an ugly mofo looking at her ass
>elevator in the building is messed up
>take the stairs
>neighbor in the hallway gets scared
>even though i said good morning
i guess im a creepy mofo
He's inspecting his nigger rape slaves. The men are sent to the cotton fields and their women are household and sex slaves.
>thinks his race makes him a better brain
>makes him a better brain
>him a better brain
Every scientist i know would neck themselves if they had uttered such dribble. 0/10 Larp
Lol you definitely lick batteries.
Exactly, most racists don't realize that you can raise niggers to be human as long as they aren't raised by niggers.
Youre a subhuman trash you irish motherfucker, youre all nothing but a bunch of violent drunks
Have you tried starting a pogrom?
Because this problem isn't solving itself son.
Found the butthurt violent subhuman.
>every racist I have met usually isn’t the brightest.
Probably because you're only meeting the anti-White ones.
I'm from germany. That speaks for itself.