Any welfare queen military (((((men))))) on here? Come out so we can laugh at you

Any welfare queen military (((((men))))) on here? Come out so we can laugh at you.

Attached: 1597972476834.jpg (411x381, 82.73K)

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lol this thread is gonna be good

Good work, bacon boy.

LOL Imagine volunteering to get maimed or killed to steal more resources for rich people who look down on you as pawns in a game of chess

Attached: tenor (2).gif (220x165, 54.5K)

Why not exploit it if its soooo nice user? Oh, you dont want discpiline and obligation, do you? Hehe

Best part is his wife left his ass lmao.

Attached: ziegel.jpg (500x627, 119.96K)

I love you OP, now get in the oven

Attached: Csa72SzUsAAogEq.jpg (259x194, 18.06K)

26 years old

in the US Navy Reserve

own a highly lucrative company that's growing exponentially

healthy + attractive

Come at me fag. What have you accomplished? Navy for life faggot

Me, did 4 years and it is pretty gay