Any welfare queen military (((((men))))) on here? Come out so we can laugh at you

Any welfare queen military (((((men))))) on here? Come out so we can laugh at you.

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lol this thread is gonna be good

Good work, bacon boy.

LOL Imagine volunteering to get maimed or killed to steal more resources for rich people who look down on you as pawns in a game of chess

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Why not exploit it if its soooo nice user? Oh, you dont want discpiline and obligation, do you? Hehe

Best part is his wife left his ass lmao.

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I love you OP, now get in the oven

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26 years old

in the US Navy Reserve

own a highly lucrative company that's growing exponentially

healthy + attractive

Come at me fag. What have you accomplished? Navy for life faggot

Me, did 4 years and it is pretty gay

Why do I believe the people who post these threads are the same ones you'd find at a BLM riot complaining about not being given a free pass by the government.

Because you're mentally ill and think about niggers and sjws 24/7.

Yeah you're a faggot for life alright.

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You mean instead of enlisting at a young age out of desperation I put my nose to the grindstone and have been a productive member of society ever since? I mean there really is not right way to live life so good for you, i'm just glad i didn't hang out smoking weed in my friends basement doing nothing at all, its fun when your a kid but lame when you could be doing anything.

>in the US Navy Reserve
TRANSLATION: I want to be w military man but I'm also a huge coward and a little gay too

Not him but I’m pretty sure that’s projection.

>own a highly lucrative company that's growing exponentially
that's what makes you awesome, not being in the Navy. congrats

Just read this dude's story. hory shit that is sadder than sad.

all for a pointless war that has no end

That poor man. I hope you fucking rot in hell for laughing at him.

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yeah lol @ 3.5k a month not taxed till I die

Op is mad because mommy raised him to be bitch boy.

>Not him
Okay, fag


Yea but you get to kill people for free

Worth it. Got 20k in my IRA and college paid for.

Or just be smart and join the air force like me

The thing with a volunteer army is that's it's hard to feel bad when they get maimed.
Do feel bad for the Vietnam vets who were drafted and got fucked up though

Reserves. Kek

>LOL Imagine volunteering to get maimed or killed to steal more resources for rich people who look down on you as pawns in a game of chess
You mean being Russian?

Don't forget your USAA checking account

Walking wad of scar tissue

Dude i get 1200 a month in "disability" because i said my back hurts. Only work like 2 days a week. Own a decent house and my car because of it. No action seen. Keep paying your taxes op I'm planning on getting another car for my vacations soon. The free healthcare is nice too. Stupid ass doesn't know how to work the system. Fucking wage slave.

Imagine willingly signing a minimum wage contract to work for the rich and make them richer lmao.

You can pretty much do that most anywhere in the USA when you consider that somewhere just under half of American homicides go unsolved

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American military.

On the wrong side of history since 1860.

Weak bitch couldn't make the cut. I'll let you watch me fuck your wife in the future after you have to settle down at 40 since nobody wants your sub par fat hidden dick.

>A year after the wedding Ziegel and Kline divorced. The reason for the divorce, according to them, was Kline's inability to accept Ziegel's horrible disfigurement, and her old flame from the time when Ziegel was deployed.
A classic case of "bit off more charity case than she could chew".
I appreciate the honesty though.

Navy faggot here. I hate my life. But boy do I love getting paid all this free shit. But boy do I want to die.

>Thank you for your service
Only americunts could come up with anything quite so pathetic. The military are uneducated disposable scum. We send them to die abroad, because otherwise they would be fucking their mothers and sisters and being an embarrassment

You're on b acting like you're up at the top. Somebody pays you too you dumb bitch.

You're a total piece of shit.

Yea, laughing all the way to the bank, but you have no shame. I hope karma catches up to you.

i mean, this basically makes you a piece of shit. to be fair

Says the embarrassment of the family... I'm guessing you got a "business degree" but work as a server or some shit.

People like you and me are missing a basic level of human compassion.
I agree with you, but I'm at least aware i'm supposed to feel bad when really bad things happen to people.