i get sleepy when im
>faced with complete desolation
I get sleepy when im
you put me in a strange state where i know im dahl but i feel like johnny
i know i should have ignored them i also knew i was probably crossing a line because who the hell me right so i got freaked out im still not sure if anyone who got involved was real all i know is i couldnt give up so either i really did find what i was looking for or someone was playing tricks on me again and with the lack of communication i was sure it was the latter
anyway cringe aside i love you poo
i wanted the artist not the robot
literally who
i was gonna make some music, til i got distracted, i call it work so i been working the whole time
yeah my mom is quite the literally who and how do you deal with someone who ruined their billon dollars for some psycho
i get why she did it tho all those people suck fucking shit
i told you pooper its not so bad but i had so much going on