In the trash where it belongs.
In the trash where it belongs
I think i saw this on sale for 2.99 a pound at kat'z deli
Mm I love a bucket of foreskin. Nice succulent meal
That's mystery meat they serve at schools
Having a foreskin is fucking incredible. You little cut new wannabes will never feel the full pleasure.
james brown - living in america....
And you know how being cut feels how?
>The guys in all the porn I watch (all cut) are only pretending to cum buckets
So, cutfag here, the chicks that I have been with who also had been with someone who was uncut all had some interesting statements:
Uncut had this extra "dangle" at the end that was gross in their mouths, and made them want to puke.
Uncut had a higher probability for smell and nasty taste.
A Cut head rubbing against their insides felt better, gave them more friction, and tended to have a higher chance of getting them off.
Uncut when stuck in acted like a tube, and they sometimes didn't feel much of anything, as the guys were essentially just fucking the inside of their own foreskins.
Cut guys lasted longer, as they may have been desensitized a bit from lack of foreskin.
What the fuck is with eurofags and foreskin?? Fucking cavemen
Only if you a jewloving faggot