A brain fart question. What's some most offensive/racist/sexist jokes you've heard?
Here's mine:
Q: What's the diferance betwen humans and animals?
A: The Mediteranian.
(Kinda new, does this belong here or somewhere else?)
A brain fart question. What's some most offensive/racist/sexist jokes you've heard?
Here's mine:
Q: What's the diferance betwen humans and animals?
A: The Mediteranian.
(Kinda new, does this belong here or somewhere else?)
How long does it take for a niggress to take out the trash? 9 months lol
Here's one:
Find a black guy and go up to him and shoot him in the face
3rd panel is go to reservation. Fucking faggot.
But natives genocided the real natives
Q:For how long is gipsy girl a virgin?
A:As long as she's stronger than younger brother, faster than older brother and father is in prison.
What to do when you rape a deaf mute little girl?
Break her arms so she doesn't tell her mother.
Black lives matter rofl
>go back to asia