A brain fart question. What's some most offensive/racist/sexist jokes you've heard?

A brain fart question. What's some most offensive/racist/sexist jokes you've heard?

Here's mine:
Q: What's the diferance betwen humans and animals?
A: The Mediteranian.

(Kinda new, does this belong here or somewhere else?)

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How long does it take for a niggress to take out the trash? 9 months lol

Here's one:
Find a black guy and go up to him and shoot him in the face

3rd panel is go to reservation. Fucking faggot.

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But natives genocided the real natives

Q:For how long is gipsy girl a virgin?
A:As long as she's stronger than younger brother, faster than older brother and father is in prison.

What to do when you rape a deaf mute little girl?
Break her arms so she doesn't tell her mother.

Black lives matter rofl

>go back to asia

Best joke ive heard

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Completely butchered the joke. It's how long it takes them to have a shit.

Nice thumbnail faggit

Why was the 4 year-old somalian kid crying?

Mid-life crisis.

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How do you pick up a Jewish girl? Take a dustpan and brush to Auschwitz.

Kek took me a second
Heres a old one
Uncle sees a black guy hanging out in a tree, says "who would want a black pinata?"

I translated it from my language and replaced "cigan" (gypsy) with nigger lol. In my part of Europe gypsies are like niggers only more poor and inbred.

How do you save a nigger from drowning? Remove your boot from its head

Q:what do you call a couple thousand chimpanzees with down syndrome?
A:the 13%
Q:what is their favorite hobby?
A:being also the 60%

>stop a nigger from drowning
Now why would i assist in the rape of a white women for?

Ah right! That makes more sense, very good! My apologies, user

Kek but they can do it in 3 with the right guy,a hanger and a blow job ha kek

Whites came to America 20 thousand years before the Siberians we call natives today
There was also likely many other humanoid species they committed genocide against

What do you call a woman with no legs?

Such disrespect...That man was a branch manager!

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MORE poor and inbred? How the fuck do they function?

Q: Why has Noddy got a bell on his hat?
A: because he's a cunt

They get many gibs from EU and they are very protected cuz of hUmaN RiGHtS. But they still live in trash slums, have 10 children and 25 dog per "house", steal copper, car parts and vegetables from fields and still have time to shoot and stab each other over 12yo brides.

And on the welfare day you can't find free slot machine in a casino lol