There it is. The normalization of CP has begun

There it is. The normalization of CP has begun.
How long until PornHub adds a CP section?

Attached: mod = faggot .jpg (818x818, 175.76K)

Hopefully soon


Never you faggot

>Firstly you notice it's a movie, not a show.
who the fuck cares, what a pointless thing to bring up
>Secondly it's french so Hollywood has nothing to do with it.
again, completely pointless and absolutely no reason to bring that up at all.
>Thirdly, it seems to be about a Muslim girl, forced to act in traditional ways, who becomes interested in dancing.
Sure. But it's twerking, not dancing. She's shaking her fucking ass in the air.
>The film CRITICISES the hyper sexualisation of girls and contrasts it with how girls are treated in traditional cultures.
No. It is not criticising twerking. It's being proud of the fact that some black kid wants to shake her ass. You want a movie that criticises sexualisation of women? Watch some Jodorosky films. Those criticise it well AND it was comedic.
>directed by a Senegalese woman
who the fuck cares where this director was from
>I know you Americans have a puritanical streak
so he just decided to insult Americans instead of the show, alright.

This puritan internet drama is even worse than sjw drama. Either way it all comes from America. Fuck them.

Finding some 11yr old girls cute is not a sign of pedophillia.
It is a sign of good taste being part of your makeup.

There are prettier people and there are plainer people, acknowledging this is not a crime unless you can prove it causes harm.

As evidenced on [redacted] You know what I mean dear [redacted]

Attached: demi.jpg (543x800, 136.36K)

'If you ever saw an ass waved in the air you were thinking about sex'

For a start, asses are not sexual to a genuine heterosexual, they are where shit comes from.
So I am purer than you all it seems.
Secondly, everyone comes into contact with some form of child nudity in their lives and forgets it, so by the logic that watching/promoting twerking is a crime, so is that.

Emotional cripples.

>asses are not sexual to a genuine heterosexual
are you fucking retarded?

Assess are the first visual sign if a woman has child besring hips you degenerate.