Hunger Games Thread

Hunger Games Thread
First 24 Are In
Orgy Code

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Other urls found in this thread:


dubs and i start RPing to an extreme degree to piss that one dude off

Attached: Vex.png (337x296, 48.79K)

Baby wetfat

Attached: babyfat.jpg (912x912, 70.91K)

Calne Ca

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Cock and Ball torturer

Attached: Rigs.png (84x110, 6.61K)

Nutella Girl
>dubs and i host land of happiness in about an hour

oops, please don’t forget me harley

Attached: Nutella_Girl_waifulabs.png (400x400, 202.55K)


Attached: ~JC1.jpg (301x421, 17.03K)

At least it wont be /trash/ material. They set the scene and rp out everything from there, the autists dont even sim anything

Barret the Penguin

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Attached: bird.png (1041x911, 696.22K)

You significantly underestimate my power level owo


Attached: unknown.jpg (1920x823, 395.86K)

Snail Cat

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This Cutie

Attached: __kushizashi_chan_original_drawn_by_mikan_ama_no_hakoniwa__6ad686f61e5c1c14521d58abac8f1cbc.jpg (1083x1600, 226.21K)

Man, your CIA agent must be retarded.

Exodus 1/9000
“and Nutella roasted jfc thus so severely he felt for those few seconds the fire of hell around him”

Attached: roast of jfc.jpg (750x1128, 586.95K)


Attached: Hedenia.png (83x112, 6.84K)

The glowies are acting out of order again...

Koiwai Yoshino
I win tendies=yes
I lose tendies=no

Attached: awXZGzD_700b.jpg (323x456, 30.33K)

Headless astolfo

Attached: 79C51419-630A-410E-B8E7-0605CE85C502.png (1001x740, 445.91K)

Some1makeaHGthread Girl
Is blood the only thing she sucks?
Got my vote already

Attached: d7h108b-37334a4c-5fb1-4bcd-9c06-e5dc30350f5e.png (800x600, 61.91K)


big rat

Attached: 2ce5f73.jpg (720x405, 21.07K)

Not Kizuna AI
>going for the triple

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Four More

It's a female vampire, what do you think?

Also hi havent seen ya in a while

Your dick is for antz

Attached: OwOwhatsthis.png (456x412, 84.74K)

Rooting for you from the sidelines

Attached: Riamu309.jpg (1011x932, 221.64K)


Attached: Gavan.png (84x108, 6.09K)

I propose Riamu as a tribute

Another Cutie

Attached: __original_drawn_by_samael_5211__1c2a1b9f5f128d6eefbc6b6bc3c8468f.jpg (1202x1700, 946.29K)

Stripper Elmo

Attached: e581c557fd4e62fd981a1acb6ef906e1.jpg (510x497, 36.11K)

Yep, I'll just see myself out.

A Fucking A-10

Attached: ~~7.jpg (1768x770, 101.8K)

But I won't talk much..

Attached: Riamu670.png (523x432, 164.14K)

Not with your mouth busy

One More Cutie

Attached: my cock is throbbing.jpg (750x1000, 134.89K)


Attached: Riamu652.jpg (2220x1080, 169.46K)


You're in if you like it or not.

Attached: 1.png (1600x990, 460.15K)

That’s a big boy

No u

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For you

Ready, but I'll be going to sleep soon.

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Ready ready ready!

Attached: B1A386BA-BCA1-4EC0-9B03-9F3D80F5D42C.png (640x418, 154.37K)

If any of my guys win I'm buying bandaids and cicatricure for all of Drill's waifus
Let's roll


It'd be weird if she had a dick wouldn't it

Attached: Smugdenia.jpg (377x717, 37.89K)

Gimmie a good pic of your girl and ill add you to the tendies crew

This is gonna be interesting...WE'RE OFF

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Shitting out logs for days

You want me to start over? Cause I will fucking start over

Attached: 3.png (1600x2001, 519.23K)

Nope.I'm good with killing Megumi. I'll die happy now.

Attached: animeJC2.jpg (250x271, 55.25K)

Well then

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Hey there! Been a bit busy and was so eager to join I didn't even realize it was this code heh
I don't know, but I guess we'll find out~
Just watching is weird, you should join
I'm pretty sure that counts as rape OP
Is this pic good enough?
Hmm, who to pick first..
That was a nice bonding experience

Attached: Nanami_aoyama_by_yukii_chann-d66dkot-0.png (340x590, 88.43K)

Fuck YES! Nail them trips!

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Whoo thats some fox news shit right there.

The right has the white house, the senate and the supreme court. The right has a president who is above the law because his political allies in the senate refuse to do their duty and check him when he grossly overreaches with executive orders and abuses of power.

I don’t know if you can understand this, but Trump has set a number of horrific precedents. Dismantling the USPS in order to defeat mail in voting to tip the election in his favor. Using federal troops against American citizens. Legislating from the white house. Violating his oath of office without repercussions. Advertising from the oval office. Campaigning from the white house (expressly illegal). Appointing grossly unqualified people to major positions because they donated to him or demonstrated they would obey him above all else. This is all in the past MONTH. There's 45 more months of more and more of that.

Then there's his love of lies and disinformation. His encouragement of white nationalism. His encouragement of covid doubters and anti-maskers. His abject failure to take action in time to prevent what is now projected to be more Americans dead than died in world war 2.

All of that is just a drop in the bucket of all that the right has done to destroy our democracy and through it all that 35% core of trump supporters hasn’t moved on inch on supporting his dictator wannabe ass.

That's how the right has been destroying america. By letting Donald Trump and his republican allies wipe their asses with the constitution, even cheering them on as they do it.

You are all traitors. Every last one of you. You don’t give a shit about this country, or our free society. All you care about is number one and owning the libs. That's how the right is provoking a confrontation. By leaving every real American no other choice.

Code fits ya, so I don't see the biggie

Attached: DOGGIE NOOOOOO.jpg (600x447, 122.83K)

Hey look. A new Junko.

A kiwi presents her butthole, what do you do?

Not the sort of angle I was hoping for but ill try and make it work

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More sexy time yes.

You two are gettin it on.

>I'm pretty sure that counts as rape OP
Rape? Rape where?

Attached: 4.png (1600x1643, 479.2K)

I got added, heh. I just won't be talking too much, didn't want to take up a spot

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Sure. Where I choke a bitch.

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Megumi gettin aggressive

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Good night pikachu