Why is he such a hated piece of shit?

Why is he such a hated piece of shit?

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Because he's in a mental decline. Daily reminder that he suggested nuking a hurricane


Because he's thick as fuck. Would be classified as retarded by any other nation on Earth except sub Saharan African nations. I've never known a more vacuous leader in history.

>They hated Trump because he told them the truth


I don't like the dude, but at least he isn't a socialist.

He is a narcissist, he doesn't want to make America great. He doesn't want to do the best thing by the American public. He wants to make a legacy. That is it. If you really want to understand why this is a problem look at how most other world leaders interact with him, you will note it is only leaders who have a cult of personality or rigged elections that seem on the same page as him.

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Because he's an outsider.
It's like a high school full of racists accepting the first black kid, and he's made class president.
Everyone conspires to get him out so they can continue to do the same dumb shit he's doing.

I hate the lot of them, but this is the truth. He'll get a second term. Four more years of Russia baiting BS

Board being flooded by paid liberal trolls to influence election

slowly I ask myself how it is actually possible to increase all this and then something like this hits me in my face.
>cartman at paralympics

he constantly insults and demeans everyone around him while refusing to take any hard questions to the face like a little pussy
textbook narcissist, he can dish it but runs away the second someone tries to deal it back

he's not playing the game the way the elites want him to

When trumpfucks flood a board with LOLMAGA STILL VOTING TRUMP LIBS = Wow this board is based!
When people call out Trump for being a pile of shit = Oh god the trolls are ruining Zig Forums.

Because he could of just used the job for publicity but he instead fucked around as hard as possible, then he tried fucking with the system, successfully, and gained all the ire he deserved.

Yes he is, he is one.

Don't need to pay people to hate on Trump.

they still believe Soros is payn' us LMFAO !!!!

Daily response that your boy raped Tara Reade.

Dear NPC faggot, you are projecting.
Love, Zig Forums

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Thats Trump for ya, always telling the Truth.
Truth Trump is what they called him back in the day, ah yes the good ol' days.

Because he's a fraud

the npc meme is the most ironic thing
>a bunch of people endlessly repeating the same moniker over and over again the second anyone questions their worldview
really makes you think

They don't mean "the elite" as in the 1%, they mean the rulers of society. There's a reason he's Zion Don

Exactly, I do it for free everyday and Conservacucks are at the chalkboard putting clues together like they are solving some sort of mystery.

>he isn't a socialist.
LMFAO wut do u call all the money in the stimulus to float the stock market? only 2 TRILLION hommie
"he isn't a socialist". you r retarded go play with your trains!

It doesn't in this case, Zig Forumsecause the vast majority of the global population really doesn't give a single fuck about Trump. Extreme left, on the other hand, is hated pretty much universally. Some places on places can't stay libertarians at all. They don't have the "progressive" left, let alone the extremely left faggotry. (behavior)

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except for the hundreds of billions he payed to farm corporations because his trade war was a colossal failure. go home son, you aren't smart enough to leave the house yet.

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>Extreme left, on the other hand, is hated pretty much universally.
Why is it then that the only places lacking a liberal left are complete shitholes while the places with a vibrant liberal left have the highest quality of life?

>Bannon is the seventh member of Trumps former cabinet indicted on criminal charges.
>1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

All these indictment and still they can't get the kingpin. He must be the most honest man on earth.

helps to have a corrupt Attorney General and a Corrupt GOP Senate giving you cover. Don't worry, his time is nearly up. Trump, Ivanka, and Jr will all be spending a looong time in jail.

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>complete shitholes
You're projecting again. If you're hinting at, say, Saudi Arabia.. well, travel there. See how beautiful it is atm. In the middle of the fucking desert, out of fucking nowhere, they have built beatiful cities with the oil money. You might dislike their view on the world and the politics, sure. But you can't sit with a straight face here and tell me, that their cities are shitholes. What was the last time you took a good look at the U.S.? Detroit? Plenty of the cities in the U.S. are fucked up and are shitholes. I guess, the projection is the way of life of a lefty. Right invests into the future, left lives in the fucking past. There are enough countries in the world with the moderate left, which is good enough to live, where the extreme left and extreme right are kinda banned. And then, out of nowhere, there is Japan.. which is an Empire.. a constitutional monarchy. Are you saying Japan is a shithole? Wake up, please.

no true scotsman fallacy

this moron is actually using a despotic Muslim Monarchy as proof that conservatism works. LMAO you can't make this shit up folks.

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