Wwyd ? (It’s a hooker)

Wwyd ? (It’s a hooker)

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I would discuss the reasons that Dobermans -- an aesthetically pleasing and behaviorally awesome dog -- is nonetheless a poor choice for a first time dog owner and a myriad of genetically probable health problems.

I don’t agree these days you can’t cut the ears

nigga why would you want to the ears are the most stylish motherfucking feature of them based niggas aside from that shoulder-hind equality stance

spirited debate, go on

Pay for sexual intercourse with her on an hourly basis

Golden Retriever is the only correct answer.

Why ? Isn’t it obvious

Attached: 45932D4A-1D7A-495C-97E6-7E158EC38BB5.jpg (600x827, 146.52K)

Ni discussion needed

Attached: 9306367F-2C5A-42F6-BBF6-277F5B7524EC.jpg (850x445, 45.67K)

Fuck her right in the pussy!