Zig Forums
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Random #8353
Hey Zig Forums, first year uni student here. I just moved into a room in a house with 4 other first year girls...
Cool historical photos thread
Adult trap thread
Are you in favor of reparations for slavery?
Ancient meme thread, miss old Zig Forums
Tell me about living in Tampa
Tis the femanon lonely hours. someone be my bf
Daily Most Enjoyable Berserk Thread
There are far better options to simp for than Belle Delphine now. Prove me wrong
She left and isn't coming back. Help me work up the nerve to finally kill myself, yall are good at that, right?
Quads insta kills Giga Nigga
Trap/Sissy/CD thread
Why are leftists literal tinfoil hat tier conspiracy theorists?
Reminder that this piece of shit is on video beating a girl before he started shooting
Anybody else drinking?
What tastes better: Ass or Pussy?
Why did hitler hate the Jews?
Reaction Image Thread
I am voting for Donald Trump and there is absolutely NOTHING that will change my mind...
I need a girlfriend... very very badly
Dubs and I tell my long term female friend that I’m bi curious
Dubs and I rip my fucking finger off
Getting laid isn't worth the effort
Rate her please
Anger and Hate Thread
How bad is this?
What your opinion on a 25 year old undergrad set to graduate at 27? Very late to the game sure. But is it really over?
Hunger Games
Tribute my gf, wanna see ur dick n her pick
I don't have many friends on social media so I thought I'd post here
Whats wrong with my dick?
I already have my CompTIA A+ and am studying for my Network and Security...
My gf left her vibrator at mine
How come nazis are all pathetic looking people?
Sorority Zoom Recruitment pls ruin it
Me and my girlfriends have been together for over 8 years and we're the happiest we've ever been. You jealous CIS fucks...
Shouldn't share, but you did
Be American
With all the people who have gotten sick and died from covid 19...
Loli bread is the only bread for me
They're about to reverse gang rape you
There is this nutcase 22 yo girl with a 1 yo daughter, who I met on tinder
Be me
I'm addicted to gore and even I have to say this is one of the worst I've ever seen
Hunger Games thread
Your age
Imagine the taste
Is it better to have a slim gf with no tits or a chubby gf with big milkers?
How do you abort a 5 week old pregnancy yourself?
Shota trap thread
Name a better cartoon
Hey guys
99% recovery rate
Drawthread: Crunchy Penis Syndrome Edition
Drawthread: dizzy miss izzy edition
You’re telling me you STILL wouldn’t??
Why are Trump supporter's naturally less intelligent?
Hey Zig Forums whats your method for growing Psilocybin mushroom...
Pregnant thread
What is objectively the best food condiment?
Just did some research on this guy
I get off on being bullied by various kinds of passersby when I go out dressed like this, ask me anything
Why are you homophobic?
Post your real wives
Why does everyone act like this dude is not malfunctioning badly?
Belle Delphine raped me
I have a metal spoon stuck on a mug with candy in it
Tfw no memories of her abusing you
Dubs three times to see my tits
State you're job, salary, and age. No trolling:
Post your depressing lonely single guy meals
Why don’t you own a gun yet Zig Forums?
Has anyone seen this? Police in NY soffocate a naked black man in snowfall with a bag over his head...
Being white but not supporting Black Lives Matter
Say something nice about black people
If you decipher this image you're a good person
Loli is for loving
So I have a chance to hook up with a girl that's a webslut and well known as an easy fuck around our city...
Height 5'0
More incest stories
Is there anything trashier than foot tats? This shit is such a turn off
Time to roll! dubs posts ass trips take requests and quads become thread slut
Roll trips and I'll take any request
My exxx. Fuck her
Where were you on 9/11?
If you could own 1 vehicle from past or present. What would it be. (If old it is in new condition)
I have a floorgoblin Zig Forums
Police Shoot ANOTHER Black Kid in DC
Want to see these two paki girls nude? Vote right (Saleha) or left (Fatima)
Facebook Live Suicide Video: Man shoots himself in the head with a shotgun
New Trap / Sissy / CD thread
This sweet angel will be president and you will like it
I went to same class I shared locker room with her ama
No socials thread :(
Shes the one bros
Thursday is s/fur/sday!
*blocks your path*
This guy is trying to extort me and threatened me. What should I do?
I'm afraid to announce there's a bomb in this thread. We should be fine as long as no one gets trips
Amateur blowjobs
Do any Zig Forumsros here do PE?
Wincest...convinced my lesbian cousin a year ago to send me nudes via threema...wanna impregnate her
I really need to have an intelligent conversation or at least witness an intelligent conversation to prove that...
Dubs general
Have you played legacy of kain?
Daily reminder that if you still support this clown of a president, you are ironically a traitor to America...
What else do you need PCs except for gaming & porn?
Roll, dubs get nothing, trips get nothing, quads get nothing, nobody gets anything. just roll
Pretty hard to deny Trump's had a stroke and is exhibiting left side weakness of his arm and leg
YLYL animal edition
Hey b/ do you think that Biden is really going to win?
Would b fuck my daughter?
ITT: Based YouTubers
Beta / Cringe Thread
Hello. I'm Andy Kranger from Quora. Please tell me the following things:
Is ther any hope?
Sup Zig Forums
Straight Shota thread
How should I go about finding a cute Chinese girlfriend?
What point in his life did it all start going wrong, this image makes me genuinely sad
The fuck is this photo? i reverse image searched it to see where else it has appeared but i just found a bunch of...
What the fuck is wrong with Australians?
Guess my ethnicity
Draw it for me Zig Forums, it's my art assignment
What is it about AFRICAN AMERICANS that makes them the most violent group on the planet?
Holy fuck she is so fucking hot! dubs gets to see full pics
Every thread that I enter is blessed with repeating digits
What if... it was all a dream?!
Stop normalizing evil
Deon Kay shooting: DC police release video of deadly encounter after protests
Asked my wife to wear a putt plug
It has been a very long day. A stressful day
Loli bread
Would you EVER fuck a guy in his ass if he asked you? Be honest straight guys
Illegal drug dealers who get caught deserve the death penalty
Would you date a trap
Post your gear
Day 1 of nofap motherfuckers
Pullout or impregnate thread?
Share your ex's wives and gfs
We all know what time it is! Teen titties thread!
Please, explain to a gay but bi-curious man who's only had sex with men how pussy feels like
Ask a black introvert anything
I like cats
Roll it
Best Pussies Of /b
Would you fuck my cheating ex?
Smash or pass? Tons of nudes!
Got banned from reddit for 3 days for calling someone a fag. AMA
What bodies does Zig Forums like
Drawthread: tight fits edition
You’re an incel for a reason. Probably low intelligence and ugliness. Chad is stronger...
Apologize right fucking now!
Morning Zig Forums
Dubs get to choose my yearbook quote
Hello everyone. I'm taking requests
Is it time for the daily on/off dressed/undressed thread?
.gay domain will be available in a few day
What is a age of consent in your country and what should be?
Post your cock user
Why are tattooed people scumbags, Zig Forums?
Gross domestic produce
I’m a 25yo leftist man. About as far left as you can get. I have long purple hair...
Best Artist to come out in the last 20 years. Prove me wrong
My wife's daughter made this sign
New GF/Wife pics
Thursday Fursday
Help needed, Zig Forums. How to delete all my discord history on a server?
There are "men" on this board who are under 6'0 feet tall
What order?
Billie's blaming Trump for all the mess
Walk in room
Waifu Activated Charcoal
"VOTE TWICE!" Donnie tells the crowd
Hunger Games Thread
New trap/cd/sissy etc thread
The brand new Maisies are in
ITT: The most overrated bands possible
She's perfect
Wwyd brutal edition
Sheeeit thread. Post em’
Rate her out of 10
ITT: Perky and slim
Statistically, 60% of the Asian women in this picture will get impregnated by a white man. Why and how does it happen?
Gib loli now
You know you have your doubts. Let me check your wife's/gf's loyalty. Send her kik, snap...
What does /b thinks about neuralink ?
Can we get a good milf thread going?
Ugly girls
Social threads are my favorite
What's the story behind this guys suicide?
What is objectively the best country in the world?
New gf and wife pics thread
Black Queens demand seminal reparations
True rap thread
This photo single handedly ruined her career
Which one do you want to see nude Zig Forums?
Last 20 days my girlfriend got sick, she has recovered but it was an impact. Days after, she started a new job...
be me
How do you break up with a girl after finding out that she has been with blacks...
So what will happen when trump gets declared the winner, only to later lose by the mail in count?
Is it bad that I want to have atleast 8 kids with my wife?
Good morning
Ask a real life NEET anything
Is RFID the mark of the beast? Or is it mobile phones? Itd in your right hand and you hold it to your forehead
Favorite women saved from Zig Forums
Black Lives Matter
Can we have a funny cat thread? I collect funny cat vids/pics
Cash me outside, now now dah?
Ask a white introvert anything
First three words
Social sluts continued
Waifu sexy mi~
Are asian women the next challenge for the black man?
I hate America
Why do people fall for conspiracy theories?
The fuck you lookin at Polly?
My flawless 10/10 gf. Stay jealous
Mfw none of you know how to get dubs
Jeff Bezos married an average woman
Social sluts reloaded
I'm born and raised in the USA, wouldn't call myself a patriot but I'm not some mincing commie either...
I need anti-brit memes to harass british "people" with
Lincoln was a Republican, but he was Liberal for the time, then the parties flipped stances...
What the hell? You can get banned for this? Absolutely ridiculous. Literally all I posted was "based" without an image
I don't feel bad about LEGO IP being stolen, the prices are way too high...
Family issues/ incest. Show me your forbidden fruit. Pic related, 19yo
Uk/British girls thread
Found out recently, my ex-classmate, I was in love in my childhood...
Still going on chastity challenge
I wanna be a internet slut so so bad
I know half of you fucks are balding, what are you doing about it?
God, I hate this cunt!
I'm 25 and dating an 18 year old. Is that creepy? Be honest
Whats it like to be inferior faggots? I fucked a bitch last week n she damn near passed out
Hey Zig Forumsros, long time lurker, infrequent poster...
Social sluts v2
White men who date Asian women are closeted homosexuals because Asian women look like 14 year old boys
Dubs post ass
Trips opens the box Zig Forums
Any images of Billie Eilish i can jerk off to?
This was said 1400 years ago
Roll trips and i Start dumping nudes!
Hi Zig Forums. I have 2g of coke and want to cook some crack. Can you help? Itsmy first time
Random gf pics. Come in and let's see where this thread goes
Im posting this here because browsing /g/ got me no where...
Big cock appreciation thread vol 2
Thank you for admitting Miranda is not a whore but Jen is definitely a whore
Guess her race
Who else fucking hates BLM? America is fucking doomed because of those niggers...
Apparently you're supposed to wash your asshole, like with soap and whatever
I bring you something from long ago
Are you into latina fucktoys b?
Share your sex stories Zig Forums. Heres mine
Is It true what they say about Han Chinese women?
Guess her name and I post nudes
What the fuck is going on here
Old school roll for power thread
Drawthread: Theological Thursday Edition
Covid isn't real
Florida slut who loves to play
Hey Zig Forums
Social sluts v1
I like these movies and that's okay, just as it's okay to not like them
Rolli loli
Dubs lingerie
Hey Zig Forums I bought few cart last night and just noticed that one of cart “leaked”
The game
Can someone pill me on the federal reserve bank and how it owns our countries...
84 million people think this thing is worthy of attention
Are dragon dildos covered in a material that collapses when you insert it...
Recent statement by the proud boys
Isn't feminism great?
Congrats to Bailey for taking her power back from the Zig Forumsros!
Fuck kikes and niggers
Who wants her nudes? Roll dubs for tits
Whos the hottest offlinetv member?
Hi Zig Forums. I’m feeling really bad about my body and need some harsh criticism to push me into losing some weight...
Yo what the fuck did you just call me? Say that shit again
Will someone please explain to the stupid pedophiles of Zig Forums why pedophilia is wrong?
A, B or C
I put my slipper on my head to be interesting
Hunger Games
Can anyone else bend reality...
What's the meaning of life anons?
Is forced sex in marriage rape? Womens give general consent at wedding by saying "yes"
Why does Republicans invade a woman's privacy when she is getting her hair done? This country has privacy laws!!!
Nightly duck drawing guys?
Was you childhood normal?
S/fur thread. Without the drama. Now with 66% more waifus!
Impregnate or pull out?
Dubs get her NEW ig this is outdated!
Rate please
If you roll dubs the entire board calls you gay
I wore this in public today and I felt like an alpha male chad
Me be
Been thinking about suicide all day, cheer me up B
Twink thread
Drumpf shitting his diapers
Yes. New nudes tonight. Trips gets the new set of nudes
Getting that old Zig Forums nostalgia again
I guess you had to be there
Retard's ip, he pissed me off. so yeah. spread it and do what you can. TROLL NATION NIGGA!!!!
Operation: Suck Dick is a go! Floofy gayboys inbound to assist!
Odds fap evens sleep
Niggers gonna nig
Would you fuck Jeffery star?
If somehow everyone who has ever lived ends up in heaven, who would you look for when you eventually get there?
Ylyl thread
Pics you should share
If nothing cannot exist then wouldnt you say that one cannot see nothing and must always see something like black or...
What went wrong?
Anyone want more?
Dick rate
Why is trumps main strategy to pretend he isnt the president right bow?
Amateur blowjobs
ITT: Most overrated bands possible
Album Roulette
Why does the left act like they have a monopoly on art and creativity...
Be me
What happened next?
The Hunger Games Commandments;
Work boot thread, post your boots. White collar fuck off
Im 6' tall but God punish me with a 5.5L 4...
Shouldn't share but you do anyway thread 2
Daily Most Enjoyable Berserk Thread
My gf raped me
White lives matter more than nigga lives
Drawthread: Summer was fun while it lasted Edition
Freedom was a mistake
Who wants more?
Where are all those kenosha/kyle memes at? Let's laugh
What is your go to tinder opener?
ITT: we share secrets and answer any questions about them...
Femboy/trap/cd feet thread
I'm here for you
BBC appreciation thread!
Why are white doctors slaughtering black babies in mass
Whites = Cowards
Fb / IG
Any more info on this suicide?
Me and my neighbors just found out theres a convicted pedo living with his mother 2 houses down from me...
Hunger games first 24-36
Hey user, are you racist?
ITT: Nothing but big butts
Ronnie McNutt Thread:
Quads gets her milking video
What's the most horrible / torturous way to kill someone so they feel the most physical and emotional pain possible?
LIVE covering protests and riots across multiple US cities via live restream! (Currently:Los Angeles, CA)
This black women's store got looted by blm protersors, the ironic part is that she is a blm protestor too
Tiger loli thread ewe
Why are we so ashamed of our own nakedness?
Alright /b
What does Billie Eilish's vagina smell like?
No Trap?????¿¿¿
Naked woman as wallpaper
Fiancé was preggers, baby died, had funeral, she wants another, I can’t deal
My girlfriend I just started dating swears to me that she has only fucked 3 guys and her pussy just looks loose because...
Has anyone you've known irl found out you posted them on Zig Forums...
Rittenhouse beating up a white woman. He hit her because of something she said
New liberal meme of the day for you all to lose your minds to
Why don't you have a Chinese wife?
This is UNACCEPTABLE, resist or this will be happening in your town next
Richard Rawlings takes over
Wincest Wednesday, all are welcome
Work in progress, roll
I work as a custodian in a highschool. Ask me anything
Ask a black introvert anything
Comfy folder dump
Will you?
Shouldn't share but you do anyway thread
Roll for your slave
Based sony
You are given 200k usd every month but you must follow all the rules
Gaybois a go
Post photos of trump
Yo hol up. The fuckchu jus say white boy?
Gonna miss him so much lads
Dubs three times to see my tits
Florida Girls Thread
Another live action
I am so sick of people that are not funny. I can't stand it. Are people really losing their minds? Don't get me wrong...
Faces you wanna bust a nut on
Why do trannies think they can change their gender on a whim? They're like children playing pretend...
I feel like I don't have a physical form. Is this what they called disassociation? Do you ever feel like this?
Hunger Games Thread
Just accused og another 20 rapes. Legit or not?
Creep shot thread
Get ready to roll here they come!
Republicans are cultists
Waifu no ghey
My wife's boss is having an affair with one of the doctors in the office. Both are married and she is a complete cunt...
Why did this guy not get any charges pressed on him?
SuicideGirls Lady Kitsune and some random cunts
Where's the strangest place you ever took a shit?
Trips name the dog
Sup /b, I'm Russian, ask your questions
New Shota thread cos im a puff
Ask a MS13 cicaro an'thing yo
Going on a date that my friend forced me into, need the worst songs you have to put it while i drive her home
Catchphrases that you only find in japanese games
Saw miley cyrus on joe rogan today, she sounds like a man, she has a deeper more manly voice than 90% of Zig Forums
Self-defense against a raging mob isn’t murder. Why is he still in jail?
Yesterday I did sandwiches, today it’s fries. Which one do you choose Zig Forums?
Be me, 21
Can you kill god?
I called this. I knew the liberals were trying to get shit like this done
Will the negro ever adapt to 1st world countries?
Trips gets to name my brown stick of death
Death threat sent to Indian immigrant family
Implying you wouldn't
I am trying to churn butter in the udder for a new agronomical crop biomachine the butter cow (patent pending: D896942)
If pussy juice melted your cock and male ass juice made it grow - WWYD faggots
Where's the fucking loli thread?
User, come here
Would you prefer to fuck ugly/average girls or be an incel virgin with high standards?
Who is your favourite ASMR YouTuber?
Drumpf filling up his diaper
I’ve never laughed in my life
Drawthread: smelly horsecock edition
Hololive /jp/ is ran by literal trannies and simps
ITT: Describe a videogame poorly and other anons have to guess what it is (not the guy that started these btw)
Post girls who you jerk off to
Should I get a cat Zig Forums ? Will it help dissipate the loneliness ?
She is blaming all the mess on Trump
I inherited a house in Denver Colorado and my neighbors blow pot smoke out their window 24/7. I can't do any yard work...
Walk into your bedroom
Redhead thread
Post face when Diarrhea
How to find a virgin with ear tunnels?
Just slidded
Rate my girlfriend
Should i exercise first
Would you move her thong to the side or remove them?
Hey Zig Forums! Can you help me earn a coupon?
What's the hardest metal known to man? Dragonforce? Manowar?
Tfw your girl takes photos for you during quarantine to help you cope with the isolation
I can only get off now by showing off my girl to other men hoping that they jerk off to her - how do i get over this...
You ylyl raff you roose. Other one reached image rimit
Trap Thread v.2
Wtf I love police violence
Want your own win?
Maisie Williams thread
New social fb ig sexy ladies
God-tier Literature thread
Liberals can you pls explain this graph? I hear you guys are big fans of facts and science so this should
My wife has stopped letting me wake her up pretty much anytime during the night for bobs and vagene
What´s your excuse for not lifting?
When is it ok to rape a woman?
Smoke weed also or nah?
Imagine you wanted singles and got dubs
Well day 5 of nofap has been a fail
Fat chick appreciation thread. GO
Have you ever thought about changing genders? Why?
How does this image make you feel, Zig Forums? and why?
What is with Americans' obsession with residential recycling/diverting landfill waste? Last i heard...
Best drugs to get hornier than hell?
Get in here Zig Forumsros, some faggot just blew his face off on facebook live stream
Why do people gloss over the fact that Kyle Rittenhouse didn't shoot first?
How do you feel about Russians?
"Empowering" social media posts. Only post sluts who love to tease and show it off because 'its 2020 and they can'...
Why would anyone rather watch Western porn when Japanese porn exists? I don't get it
Be honest what do you do for a living and how much do you make?
Who is up for a little hacking?
Who would win a cheeky shota or a fat ojii-san?
Maisie's legs n feets thread
Random hot girl thread. Let's see where this takes us!
This is my cat and his name is gary
Kyle rittenberg did nothing wrong
You cant be punk if you are one of these things
This country needs to heal. The only way both sides can come together is if we admit that whites have a racism problem
Social sexy ladies
Girls you want to face fuck
What is the best type of black girl?
My day just cleared up and I have nothing to do but read
Look what just came in the mail!
Would you fuck my cheating ex?
Smoking cigarettes is literally just an excuse for retail workers to take 10 minute breaks every hour...
If you roll dubs you have to drink tonight
Looking at this picture can you tell me a difference between e-thot and a btard?
Im diapered, plugged, and locked in chastity. I think im getting in to deep. How do i get myself to stop this?
Loli thread this is my dream edition
Imagine complaining about being in starwars
Deli- Chan is going shopping after work, what should I wear out?
Have u ever had sex?
Daily reminder Zig Forums men also get there. Periods
Well, we now know Republicans would be useless in a zombie plague. COVID proves it
You YLYL you lose, god tier edition
Why to the tards think redistributing everyone's wealth would be beneficial in any way?
Post traps with cute little butts
Hint: Men are 7.1 times more likely than women to commit homicide
If Johnny Cash were an Olympic diver, he’d be Johnny Splash
When I took a walk earlier, this woman sat on a bench with her bf or husband said to me "Hi smelly!" as I walked by...
Bodily waste
/uk/ brit thread
This man gonna die live. get the fuck in here Zig Forums
Neet here, Just got 1000$ from benefits, what should I buy?
If the negro cannot learn, then why give him an education? That my friend is the question
Post your fav titties pt2
Jeez those things are big. Nice and plump
Social sexy ladies 18
Sick albums that make you feel really powerful or capable of doing anything
How much longer until BLM is declared a terrorist organization and it's members are free game?
Share incest stories
Why does every white guy so fucking bald...
01001001 00100000 01100001 01101101 00100000 01000111 01101111 01100100 00001010
Admit it Trumptards, Trump has given up trying to seriously fight COVID
Shota Stay or Shota Go
My little sis is being a whore on social media, what do I do?
Well Zig Forums?
How do you pass a job interview with autism?
Whats the difference between joint and blunt?
Has the time come for an on/off clothed unclothed thread?
Is this really gonna be the next POTUS?
Wwyd ? (It’s a hooker)
Feels thread. Please keep pics sfw. Thank you
Secrets thread
Chomo Joe
I just wanted to thank /b for teaching me how to respond in arguments using baits...
Most autistic thing you did ?
Women Are Deceitful
No hymen? No diamond. Why would you settle for a used, radioactive, diseased whore...
Did anybody here also grow up in a home where nudity and sexuality was more casual?
Is this accurate?
What is Zig Forums's take on outdoor sex?
Name this album cover
Post anything
Social sexy ladies 3
Large areolas
How old do you think she was when he first started raping her?
Social sexy ladies 2
Is my birthday
Say something funny about my aunt
What makes your blood boil? No need for a reason why just what one thing do you most hate
New game: post your girls and anons guess how many cocks they've had inside them. Correct guesses get nudes
Nudes you've saved
Images you've busted a nut to thread
My butt crack has a split in it again and it HURTS. I've doused it with disinfectant and am airing the area out...
This is why i hate reddit
My girlfriend keeps making mac n cheese! How do I get her to stop?
Thanks to this hero we just earned 4 MORE YEARS of Donald Trump
Why are anti-trumpers so violent and irrational? Their behavior makes me want to vote trump even though he's a moron...
Social sexy ladies new
In this thread we prove we are oldfags. I been here since 2015. Deal with it newfags
I’m straight but I get incredibly jealous when I think about the fact that there are people that have fucked prime...
Shouldnt share V.3
Love fapping to fag porn
Deutsch Faden
Ask a Latino Femboy anything
If i only eat broccoli and potatoes,will I get skinny?
Where is Kyle Rittenhouse? We need to get rid of this pedo
Rekt thread
What were your favorite movies as a kid?
She will be your new GF
How to find real love Zig Forums, im tired of all those hoe's
Last threads
/smg/ stock market general
White peoples make me sick
I can't believe it he gave it a 4/10
Video Games
Brit/pol/ - Everyone's Lazy Edition
Dominion Voting orders Sidney Powell retract ‘baseless and false allegations’ or will sue
Zig Forums General Drawthread
UPDATE: Got vaccinated 3 days ago
/fr/ - Le francofil
Pay close attention to this
No Source = no Soul
Video Games
Ban big trucks
When an anglophone tries to speak a foreign language
Why don’t you own an AR-15?
You WILL take the vaccine
Zig Forums
Video Games
Television and Movies