She's perfect

She's perfect

Attached: AOC-may-be-denied-speaking-slot-at-Democratic-National-Convention.jpg (1200x800, 155.86K)

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Opps, forgot "AMA"

The only purpose that she serves is to be fuck meat, otherwise she's just retarded & useless

shes got old lady legs unproportional to her upper body

Her public speaking is cringy

When she smiles she looks like a donkey. She literally has cankles, her politics are retarded ( kicked an Amazon Corporate Center out of her own District when they desperately need the jobs) and her public speaking is cringy AF.

She doesn't always look bad there are times when she actually looks pretty good but she's still far from perfect.

Attached: AOC eyes.png (600x568, 326.3K)

I'd love to grab her communist tits while cornholing this bitch.

Attached: 1582924582984.jpg (2000x1333, 281.84K)

i dream of blowing ropes of semen across her red lipstick and brown skin
