I called this. I knew the liberals were trying to get shit like this done.
I called this. I knew the liberals were trying to get shit like this done
literally faggot laws
knock knock
>who's there
>scott who
scott my weiner in your mouth
Yeah, just about every leftists either condones or openly advocates for the right to fuck kids. I don't remember that part of Marx's writings but I'm sure it's there somewhere.
willing same sex minors?
so its still "rape" if a man has sex with a willing 17 year old girl?
This law means that homosexuals and heterosexuals are treated the same under the law. The old law gave increased sentences and mandatory sex offender status if the intercourse was not between a man and a minor woman. Now regardless of who fiddles who, the law treats them the same. What's the issue?
If so, then increase the other penalty. Don't decrease this one. That's just ridiculous. By the text in the pic, 8 and 18 is okay if the minor is willing. Fuck that
Sodomy is in itself wrong
Two crimes should warrant a greater penalty