I called this. I knew the liberals were trying to get shit like this done.
I called this. I knew the liberals were trying to get shit like this done
literally faggot laws
knock knock
>who's there
>scott who
scott my weiner in your mouth
Yeah, just about every leftists either condones or openly advocates for the right to fuck kids. I don't remember that part of Marx's writings but I'm sure it's there somewhere.
willing same sex minors?
so its still "rape" if a man has sex with a willing 17 year old girl?
This law means that homosexuals and heterosexuals are treated the same under the law. The old law gave increased sentences and mandatory sex offender status if the intercourse was not between a man and a minor woman. Now regardless of who fiddles who, the law treats them the same. What's the issue?
If so, then increase the other penalty. Don't decrease this one. That's just ridiculous. By the text in the pic, 8 and 18 is okay if the minor is willing. Fuck that
Sodomy is in itself wrong
Two crimes should warrant a greater penalty
It actually only applies to 14-17 year old children. The law in california is thst a judge can decide the appropriate sentence and whether sex offender registry is mandatory IF the sex was heterosexual. This just says the judge can decide the appropriate penalty in cases where the relationship is homosexual.
Try again fag, rather than setting the same level of punishment for both vaginal and oral/anal (i.e both require registration as a SO), now neither of the acts require registration. Because apparently only homos can diddle assholes and mouths, and absolutely no female children are ever molested
Now all the left needs is pedo joe to make this a national deal
no one's falling for it. we all know you leftist cucks worship used up, black cock addict roasties. alpha right wingers fuck pure, virginal, traditional children.
I think a judge can decide if an 18 year old fucking a 17 year old justifies sex offender registration on a case by case basis regardless of what hole was used.
because the logical approach here is definitely to legalize homosexual pedophilia rather than clamp down on hetero pedophilia
that's exactly why they want him to win. they admire his sniffing of little girl's hair
As usual your inability to read makes discussing things with you difficult. No one, at all, legalized homosexual pedophilia. They simply said the law which outlaws sex with children from 14-17 will be applied equally no matter the genders of the people involved.
They have a point tho. Should have increased the sentence of heterosexual pedophilia instead.
Not even hetero close in age exemption is 10 years, faggot. A 24 year old man cannot have sex with a 14 year old girl
>defending homo pedo
Cause it's just the left doing this shit right
This shit goes through the the whole government if it didn't it would be come out.
don't kid yourself.
Read Pic related
Again, learning to read is helpful. The law in California is, and continues to be, anyone over 18 having sex without anyone under 18 is a crime. Judges are allowed to decide whether or not sex offender registration is required in cases where the age difference is less than 10 years. It used to be this only applied if the sex was vaginal. Now the law makes no distinction between the orafice used. It's still illegal, but now the judge can decide the appropriate punishment.
so i'm 23.. i could fuck a 13 year old boy? sounds great.
>year old fucking a 17 year old justifies sex offender registration on a ca
Did you not listen? It was already meentioned that it doesnt apply to minors below 14, pea brain.
Can you fuck a 14 year old when 24. Still no, because it only states that a judge will decide the case and since 10 years is already stretching the extreme, its unlikely it would go in your favor. Btw, its mostly evangelical christians, that historically and to this day (to some degree) love the idea of getting married super early... Just like muslims do, or mormons
Again no, not 10 years, california is 2 years close in age restriction, and anything under 14 is a felony akin to murder; only a pedo (like you) would be pushing for 10 years.
Oh no, it's atheist
Im no atheist. Just wanted to point that out, because evangelical christians are one of the most important republican voter groups.
Mentioned it because OP used this bill to push anti-liberal propaganda and because I hate misinformation. Am a non-Trump republican btw.
Wtf I'm a liberal now
You are still not reading.
The law in question refers to sentencing requirements only. It had nothing whatsoever to do with what's legal and what's not. It's is solely about when judges have latitude in sentencing and when mandatory sentencing kicks in. That's it. Absolutely nothing else.
so this is what the democrats are doing while the streets of their cities filled up with homeless, shit, and used needles
while their police departments abused the people of color whose votes the depend on
You're wrong, but you don't care...
Yet your boy donny likes em illegally young and was homies with Epstein lmfao Republicans really are the dumbest motherfuckers alive, surprised you guys can breathe and walk at the same time
It's something different beeing ass raped by a homo than being vag-raped.
That the ass rape penalty is higher makea total sense
It's still rape if a man has sex with a willing male minor. The penalty will be reduced, but it will still be rape. Learn to fucking read, cletus.
So no more blow jobs? good luck enforcing that law.
It was more illegal, it is now less illegal.
Yes, they have somewhat legalized it. Get off your high horse and argue the points faggot.