ITT: Most overrated bands possible

ITT: Most overrated bands possible

Starting with the most overrated band of all time

Attached: overrated.jpg (1600x1571, 410.88K)

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I think you mean Nirvana.


not even based, just common sense

SMTS is too overrated, it's 4 chords, simple rock drumming and lyrics devoid of meaning.

Their other shit is fucking incredible IMO and that deserves the most recognition. My favourite track is "Drain You".

You have shit taste. Sorry to be the one to tell you.

I don't understand. How are the Bowl Cuts overrated?

No, just different taste to you. I really like Grunge because it combines elements of complex guitar work while also having lyrics that talk about important issues, all of this without being ridiculously heavy. It's great because it's music I can enjoy while in any mood. I don't want to listen to Sabaton or A7x while just taking a casual stroll.

You seem to shit on my taste, so go ahead, what's yours?

no that user but if you're gonna criticise someone's tastes at least offer an example of what you like.. so we can ridicule that