Self-defense against a raging mob isn’t murder. Why is he still in jail?

Self-defense against a raging mob isn’t murder. Why is he still in jail?

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Because when people are shot dead, we like to have a fucking trial to decide whether someone committed a crime or not, OP.


Where’s the proof that he committed murder, user?

Just because he killed 2 people in self-defense doesn’t mean he committed a crime. It happens all the time.

I’ll tell you why: because the DA from Wisconsin who is charging him is a leftist. They’re not prosecuting the 3rd guy who attacked him for assault, they let him go from the hospital

>Why is he still in jail?
He likes the size of the cocks he is getting in there so he plead guilty.

Proof is presented AT A FUCKING TRIAL, OP. I'm not sure how much clearer I can make this. When you kill two people and wound a third, you are going to have a fucking trial unless you were a soldier on a battlefield.

It’s no different than shooting 3 guys breaking into your house to attack you, people get let off with shootings like that all the time, the cops don’t even charge them.

How is this different? Explain

why are you pretending to be a retard?

Crossing state lines with a rifle and shooting two people isn't self-defense either though. He's still in jail because there needs to be a proper investigation and a proper trial, because the incident in question happened under the legal jurisdiction of the USA and not in some fucking Boogaloo fanfic.

Explain to me the difference. This kid was ATTACKED, so he DEFENDED himself. Do we not have a right and an obligation to defend ourselves?

So again, I ask, why is he still in jail?