She is blaming all the mess on Trump

She is blaming all the mess on Trump..

Attached: blaming.png (628x670, 407.67K)

She's an uneducated little brat with terrible music
Her opinion means very little to anyone with an iq over 98

what mess?
why does what she says matter?

Attached: Treason.png (1024x768, 536.51K)

"if u just let us win election we wouldnt be rioting now!! its trumps fault for winning!"

> lines
> more lines
>even more lines

How many times you going to post this thread you fucking simp?

Right? Who ever made that wanted to confuse uneducated people into hating trump more lol
Also, checked

Attached: 1558820013247.jpg (474x592, 43.45K)

>Puts lines whit no explanation

You are a fucking idiot.

sshhh... don't use facts on them...


She shuld stop whit drugs.

it is all politics and she is no different than any of the rest.

Attached: 1598602780690.jpg (1080x1350, 165.05K)

lets talk bout truth shall
she aint no president
she the forest of the people
dont burn yourself

the light shines too hard if you dont

be afraid
like they said

never be like they say
always say what you want

but then its like a new the coronavirus?


Oh an image with a bunch of fake made up people on it. Orange man bad. Stop with the fake news you left hillbilly retard

except the people aren't made up

perhaps you are
as you think
i dont know what you are
since you are

be afraid

run in the wild
they will find you

then be a fox

Still voting trump

Agree she should just shut up.

Asperger autistic.

>oeh noe i got a fact in my face
>wat do?
>still voting trump/shut up libtard/kys
>hah, get ownd libturd.

ooh, arrows ! I'm convinced, now.
What about the ties between that Putin guy and Russia, I heard there may be a connection...

he used arrows, not facts.

Slap a Drool Pan underneath her chin and strap a helmet on that special Gen Z bitch

Actually it's her brother that writes her music about getting raped and banging old men

figure that one out

You literally just said he is responsible for coronavirus
Anything stupid a lib says, I just respond with "still voting trump" because you can't argue with idiots

I'd love to see her suck on one of her own tits.

ok, who is she?

Pretty sure that’s a dude


But she's right in this case.

Attached: 1597762465233.png (600x842, 100.95K)

Attached: 1586382181564.jpg (800x800, 249.48K)

>But she's right in this case.
Young women are just always so intelligent