can you kill god?
Can you kill god?
what do i need to kill god? what weapons can i use to kill god? what substances will give me the opportunity to kill god?
No. It's not possible or someone already did. So either way, no.
okay, next best thing, how can i kill you?
kill yourself OP
The creator is not a physical entity. he hasn't been for a long time. you cannot kill the Universe.
hail satan cuck
Just kill the ones who keep bringing me back to life first then the rest will probably take care of itself.
you can with enough energie
what kind of f-ed ritual would you need to do to even begin.
How can you kill a god? What a grand and intoxicating innocence.
Incidentally, I'm honored that you value killing me as second only to killing God. If I got that type of respect from the ones keeping me alive this world would be a much better place.
lmao post address I'll stomp on your throat worthless faggot
he doesn't know I'm chosen by the Creator
enjoy your curse worthless mutt
your soul ain't going higher than 3D
only one being can kill god
have fun going back to school dumb kid
No. (((They))) tried already and he just came back three days later.
Me? Yeah. Would I want to? Nah he's not doing much so I'll let him live.
virtual kindergartens been pretty rough man
lmao get mugged tonight worthless faggot
No, you can't kill something that does not exist.
How long before her age makes her go the trad-thot route?
Give me more pepe
dang idk what triggered yall more the satan or cuck part kek
jesus fag triggered
Show me the money
No. You might be able to "kill" YHVH, I don't advise trying though.
A god? Sure, someone will likely create another though. I'd be curious to see what a new religion would look like, hopefully disconnected from Abrahamic religions.
A concerted secretive organisation to subtly chip away. Either that, or a massive oppressive Regime ala China or Russia. Even in those cases though, they've only managed it on their own territory, but those are growing at the moment too.
Just look around, you can't kill something that's already dead you silly boy
oh yeah duh. nizeshits was right
lol I'm on the right side worthless satanfag look around you guys are losing hard
I was just waiting for someone to post "God is Dead" Cringe
just die please you contribute nothing positive at all
Can't kill something that doesn't exist.
literally no one here does lol
walk by me on the sidewalk wearing a satanfag shirt I'll knock you and you'll be picking up teeth off the road kid
*spits in your ugly face*
so your pastor molested you huh? at least you felt love
lol u sound like my ex
i never went to church actually, the churches are a lie. the Creator is not in the church.
no one ever raped me try again slimy kid
I side with her and also feel sorry for her for being with your useless ass
lol sure, and nah she came crawling back to me lol
I have received DNA activation. have any of you?
probably not. have fun being left behind.
>I have received DNA activation.
howd that go
it's called ancient christianity, we know the truth. the parables are the only thing that matters, all mainstream churches are liars.
what is your ancestry? masonic family? or are satanfags just random pale white anglo kids?