Any more info on this suicide?

Any more info on this suicide?

Attached: 1599088374683.webm (854x478, 1.98M)

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Didn’t he post on Zig Forums??

Definitely looks like it.

He killed himself at home, he did it live on the web, the camera was on for a while, long enough to hear his mom come in and scream.
They say he killed himself because "he was being groomed by someone", but i don't know what they meant.

this has been proven to be fake and gay

Are there any links I could read about this? The anime girls on the wall, the tarp, and gun seem pretty interesting. Forums-user-r9k-youtube/

He was a furry so he won't be missed

according to best gore as a tl;dr:
"The kid was named Shuaib Aslam, he was 18 year old and lived in Stockton, California."
"His mother’s name is Shama Naz Aslam, living at Dresden Way, Stockton, California."
the weapon used for the suicide was a Keltec KSG shotgun

"This video was livestreamed on YouTube but rather quickly pulled off the site for “violating YouTube’s policy on harmful or dangerous content“. It appears to show a young man committing suicide by shooting himself in the head with a shotgun, along with a note reading “bye Zig Forums 3/14/18“. The vid seems real."


You know his family walked in on this after the fact too. Shit even the cops were in the full vid.

fuck thats my birthday :(

Yes, he killed himself, then posted the video to Zig Forums.

you mean this one

Attached: 1599068836869.webm (1920x1080, 744.5K)

Not sure about fake, but definitely 100% gay

poor doggo is frightened by loud noise but still goes to check on owner :(

He liked long walks on the beach


poor fuckin doggo


He posted on r9k. Front what I've gathered lurking is that r9k tends to be invested with idolizing traps and sissies. They have discords and shit where they develop social cliques. There we people who also try to manipulate others into being fem for the purpose of hurting them. Either by blackmail or other means. It all is fun and games online till you allow people close in your personal life. People befriended him, he was reaching for human interaction like most of us do through these message boards, but he let the wrong people onto his safes pace. I don't know the full story, but I think his online friends were not really his friends, and when he realized his mistake it was to much for him. Sadly young people don't have the life experience to understand that situations which seem so unmeasurable heavy are very trivial as you get older. His suicide is a lesson on when the internet is becoming to real. It's time to go outside.

Attached: EeWXRo5XYAEPOr3.jpg (1536x2048, 363.41K)

idk. i got on Zig Forums earlier today after it happened like 15 minutes ago. downloaded vid before it was axed.

My bad with the typos I'm on mobile and sitting in traffic

Wow one of the more enlightened things I've read on here

well said user. thanks for sharing

>phone call
>no more sad

i heard it was over a girl who was on the phone.

Yeah, he was an Zig Forums user

is he ok?

I just got out of my wheelchair and almost walked. ty.

not fake but def gay

Attached: 1593380466965.jpg (470x470, 145.97K)

yeah miraculously they dabbed some antibiotics on him and bandaged him up. hes going to make a full recovery.

Nah, unfortunately, it’s probably very real. Do you think people NOT kill themselves in real life. And I’ve seen the full video, shortly after he shot himself in the head, his mother came to this room and called the police or something and were investigating what happened for a full hour.

this didnt age well

his "gf"called the police. he never hung up