Been thinking about suicide all day, cheer me up B

Been thinking about suicide all day, cheer me up B

Attached: IMG_20200826_210731_795.jpg (655x1280, 73.65K)

Other urls found in this thread:

nigga tits


taco tits

Her tits are ugly and not sexy. I'd prefer two testicles in my mouth of a 102 year old man whose testicles hang as low as his ankles, who hasn't bathed in 74 years than have her boobs anywhere near my face

Do a flip

I roast everyone lols

talk to a psychiatrist

Rope is cheap

>Her tits are ugly and not sexy. I'd prefer two testicles in my mouth of a 102 year old man whose testicles hang as low as his ankles, who hasn't bathed in 74 years than have her boobs anywhere near my face

Attached: coomer.png (1545x869, 193.01K)

Let the day pass and move on, thinking about suicide it's something we go through but don't let it guide your actions. Also mexico sucks they're retarded.

Instead why don't you become an incomparable whore?.. Nice tits BTW

Go have fun in a psych ward, some of my best memories were in a psych ward. Can get in all the fights you want, can sleep with crazy, play spades/win people’s clothes and watch tv all day.

Cons: showers suck, no privacy, can’t vape unless you sneak it in like myself, and the whole no freedom bit.

Kys attention whorr

can we get a pussy pic. would fuck

Didn't show pussy

Attached: IMG_20200826_210733_679.jpg (655x1280, 85.1K)

show pussy b4 roping pls

Legit didn't show it

>Been thinking about suicide all day, cheer me up B
Well, If you do it right you only have to kill yourself once.

I mean, can you at least take out some kikes and niggers on your way out? It’d be greatly appreciated.
Keep me posted.

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Op I don't know what you are going through or what has happened in your life. Just remember these two things.

1) Even in your darkest hour, you are never alone. You have family and friends that love you. You might not see them but trust me you do.

2) If you do it, they win. Don't let them win. Who ever hurt you, each day you live is a big fuck you to them.

It's not your fault that the people around you are broken. They fucked up, not you.

Do it

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Please Do not suicide your such a cute woman

Timestamp those tits!

God says if you die by suicide you get buttfucked by Satan for eternity so don’t do it unless you’re into that kind of thing in which case still don’t do it

Wait one year, and see if you still wantvto.

Oh you're pretty

Instead of suicide those tits need eternity. those are amazing. Do you have more pics?

Tell us your story, what has you feeling so down?

Just wait a few weeks and the color in your hair will fade.

Guess op ended it.

Talking about your suicide cheered me up, man! Thanks!

Here is how to live forever:

>green hair
Billie? Is that you?

have you even been fucked in the ass yet?

>I’m depressed
>Literal 10/10
Quit being such a baby, find some dude that doesn’t put up with your shit and pump out a bunch of babies. Children improve the mental health of women dramatically

Muy rica para andar matandose

It's not op in the pics, idiot.