Who else fucking hates BLM? America is fucking doomed because of those niggers...

Who else fucking hates BLM? America is fucking doomed because of those niggers. I know negros have been discriminated against in the past but still, times have changed. Niggers are just using George Floyd as an excuse to cause chaos. I'm just glad I don't live in the US. What are your thoughts, Zig Forums?

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I think theyre just niggas that should be killed

I don't label an entire race of people less than me, or feel the need to tell them they're incapable of anything or give them irrational fears of other people based on their race, so I do not support BLM.

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stupid low life niggers, all of them. death to these niggers.

>I know negros have been discriminated against in the past

And rightly so. Back in the day, they were terrorised into knowing thier place, and staying there. They caused some problems, but these were generally quickly quelled. Today we see the results of permitting them to get uppity and out of control all over the place now.

>they were terrorised into knowing thier place

I somewhat agree, though it is a stretch to say that they deserved slavery.

I do not hate skin colors. I judge based upon actions and behaviors. I am legally blind and Lives matter when they prove their worth. Prove your worth by treating others how you want to be treated. Live your life and let others live theirs. You preach hate and live by the sword / knife / Gun and expect Karma to come back and bite you hard. It matters not whether you are Antifa, BLM, neonazi's, cops, democrats, conservatives, or communists. What you do to others will come back on you threefold.

OP here, I agree with that, though if the protesters have proven anything, its that niggers just wanna steal and loot and harm and kill.

The fuckchu say white boy?

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but you'll tell them they're inferior? Kek


Fucking faggots only brave online

i mean where else can i share these views? You tell me

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>Half the niggers out there don't realize BLM is using them
>The other half know but take advantage of the environment of being able to do no wrong, which was created by retarded whites

you try saying this anywhere else, u will be crucified by bunch of thug ass niggers living off welfare

>but you'll tell them they're inferior?

>I don't label an entire race of people less than me

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Every race has had hardship and struggled in one way or another but this race seems to want to milk it at every turn.
I'm white and my ancestors were forcibly brought to this country against their will and no one cares nor should they as we've all benefited from it.
African Americans have more opportunities than their African counterparts and get treated exactly the same as any other race does by police. If anyone acts entitled or causes problems with law enforcement they're not going to have a good day, but the rest of us don't feel the need to steal and burn down the city because of it.
They're opportunistic and being supported by foreign and domestic entities to keep the US in disarray and it should not be tolerated. Any looter or violent, destructive protester should be punished to the full extent of the law regardless of race or cause.
America didn't negotiate with terrorists what has changed?

I have never seen a black person be discriminate against irl.

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OP here, I fully agree, very well said user

Can't say I have

Is there a campaign of police genocide against black people? The facts and numbers say emphatically no. (They’re discussed in detail in many articles by Heather MacDonald at City Journal.) Is it true that “black people aren’t heard”? If you follow The New York Times, America’s “newspaper of record,” that’s all you will hear. Has justice been denied in the killing of Mr. Floyd? Four cops have been swiftly arraigned on grave charges. Are black people denied the privilege of governing their own affairs? Many cities are run by black mayors, police chiefs, and district attorneys where, year by year, social dysfunction has only gotten worse.

I too hate niggers Zig Forumsro. We can only hope Trump getting another 4 years lets us kill most of them after the left progresses the civil war they already started.

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I run a small business and have hired many people over the years and the only ones I would discriminate against as a collective would be substance abusers as their unreliable and a liability. They come in all colours.

Bullshit. Nobody gets to lay around for thousands of years and not accomplish shit on this planet but drain resources. Niggers needed to pay something back and they still do.

fair enough Zig Forumsro

hey user, even for me (OP) that was harsh

Niggers are all out of excuses. Fuck them.

Are cops sexist too? Why is it overwhelming males that are arrested?
Perhaps it's the behaviour.


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Check the latest CNN news poll - only 41% support the BLM organization now, with over 70% of negative respondents citing recent BLM violent riots for their negative view of the movement. That's down from 68% supporting the movement in June.

Open season on crime statistics. Kill all the blacks so police budgets really can be reduced because they wouldn't be needed as much. Society wins

I am against BLM all the way, but I can see that you are so badly informed and see all this on such a childish surface-level that I still want to punch your stupid fucking face.

If any of you niggers want respect, equality or sympathy from me your going to have to rip it out of my dead hands. Some of them niggers are ok but most are lazy fucks looking for hand outs. FUCK BLM AND NIGGERS OF ALL RACES.

BLM are a bunch of fucking dumbasses, i havent seen a single fascist being publicly executed, they need to up their game

>rioting leftists looting, rioting, murdering & burning down large swaths of Democrat controlled major cities for 3 months straight
>Democrats call the bloody riots "mostly peaceful" as buildings burn and people are shot
>now democrats pivot and admit there's widespread violence, try to blame trump cause bidens approval is plummeting.
The absolute state of you 'muricans