Deon Kay shooting: DC police release video of deadly encounter after protests

Deon Kay shooting: DC police release video of deadly encounter after protests

You be the judge Zig Forums. Was it a clean shoot?

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He did throw the gun. Why did the police still shoot him? It was because he's black... racist pigs.

Another black man needlessly shot by police.

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if you play it at quarter speed he sounds like a goat

lol came here to say the same retarded shit. Beat me to it.

niggers stupid enough to have their facebook cover photo with them posing with a gun need to be shot

Why did he run though

clearly he was throwing his gun away

my money says if he had a half second more he would have brought that pistol around on the cop. he flung it when hit. he wasnt discarding it. you do that first, and not run away

can someone explain to me why they don't use rubber bullets at all times? Are they not painful enough to stop joggers in their tracks without killing them?

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A clean shoot. They show the photo at the end of the video. Obviously the nigger had a gun in his hand running towards an officer. Fucking right a cop will shoot. Besides, told him to stop numerous times... once again nigger not listening and resisting arrest. Good riddance.

No.... we like that REAL bullets are used to kill REAL niggers. Shut up.

Because rubber bullets may or may not stop a threat.

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Libtard oldfag here and this shooting was completely justified.

If they worked all the time, it would be a good alternative. Rubber bullets, stun guns, tear gas, and even live ammunition don't always work or take time to stop someone, especially if they are on something adrenaline inducing. While shooting should always be a last resort, sometimes it's the only thing that separates just a dead perp from additional casualties. Unfortunately we don't always know if that was the best call until after the fact.

The shot was fired at a justified moment. Two seconds later would have been a different story.

OK Trumptard.

fuck off kike

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The nigger looters are dreaming about the big screen TVs they'll soon own. T

He was clearly trying to throw the piece so he didn’t get caught with it. He was surrounded by 3 cops, doubt there dude thought he was Rambo.

Still, you pull a heater in front of cops you’re gonna have a bad time...

Stay mad, comrade

around blacks, never relax

>clean shoot
>Not clean
Does it really even matter if nothing of value was lost?

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The bottom line is why are they constantly putting themselves in these situations? Lord, I'm so tired of hearing about stupid niggs.

Can some one edit this with Wii Sports music?


That is a hard one to say. What would have to be figured out is the timing difference of the sound of the shot and when the gun is seen flying through the air. As the video is the gun was flying through the air before the gun fired, but this is literally milliseconds in timing. The officer would have seen Deon swinging his arm around towards him and would not have had enough time to cognitively make the distinction between Deon throwing the weapon or moving it to aim.
This will come down to timing, but regardless it was a justified response on the officers part.

If that's the case than he's a fucking idiot. Well earned Darwin award.

>fedfag here
>clean shoot

family will sue local government over "senseless" death of "upstanding, comeback story" gang banger. They will settle for millions.

This is how it works, gents.

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Fuck that hat, I am not even an Ameritard you cognitively slow wannabe.

Niggers will take any excuse to act like animals. The media love them for this.

Gosh. It’s like if he just complied and stopped he’d still be alive. Weird.

niggers are made of wood
rubber bullets would just bounce off them

bruh, normal bullets don't even stop people most of the time.

How anyone could watch the footage and conclude that it was obvious he was going to throw it is beyond me.
Within 1 second we see Deon's arm swing around and by the end of that same second the officer shot.
Are you a fucking ninja samurai major league baseball player that you would be able to make that clear distinction of Deon going to throw the weapon or error on the side of caution and take him out before he takes you out.

9mm and 380 are the only common ones that don't instakill. Those usually take a few seconds.

The protesters are dusting off their old signs and making new ones as I write this. I hope it's only a fiery but mostly peaceful protest.

He tossed that gun far as fuck as he got shot. It seems weird it went that far

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That is a big probability.

If he wanted to drop the gun, he would have dropped it.

Wait so he had the gun when the cops shot him but somehow yeeted it 100 feet after he was shot?

thanks for proving you know absolutely nothing about firearms.

Stfu nogunz it’s clear you have no idea what you’re talking about


Real bullets are needed for niggers, you nigger.

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His momentum and the way he twisted in that run, and the moment you see the gun leave his hand that is a lot of oomph behind that throw.. It would be nice to see the footage from the officer that is behind the car to see from his vantage point.

It was in his fucking hands you stupid fucking nigger.