Fuck that hat, I am not even an Ameritard you cognitively slow wannabe.
Deon Kay shooting: DC police release video of deadly encounter after protests
Niggers will take any excuse to act like animals. The media love them for this.
Gosh. It’s like if he just complied and stopped he’d still be alive. Weird.
niggers are made of wood
rubber bullets would just bounce off them
bruh, normal bullets don't even stop people most of the time.
How anyone could watch the footage and conclude that it was obvious he was going to throw it is beyond me.
Within 1 second we see Deon's arm swing around and by the end of that same second the officer shot.
Are you a fucking ninja samurai major league baseball player that you would be able to make that clear distinction of Deon going to throw the weapon or error on the side of caution and take him out before he takes you out.
9mm and 380 are the only common ones that don't instakill. Those usually take a few seconds.
The protesters are dusting off their old signs and making new ones as I write this. I hope it's only a fiery but mostly peaceful protest.
He tossed that gun far as fuck as he got shot. It seems weird it went that far
That is a big probability.