What point in his life did it all start going wrong, this image makes me genuinely sad
What point in his life did it all start going wrong, this image makes me genuinely sad
moment of conception
who gives a flying fuck
You need a better haircut that long hair is horrible. And just start working out. Wont make you the most attractive or what ever but it will be better then that
probably got molested. all these trans morons got molested.
Why do all these people have receding hairlines and look 45 even though they are like 25? Serious question. Is it some side effect of chemical imbalance?
The moment the internet got ahold of this retard and corrupted him.
Still just looks like a dude 100%. That sucks man.
when he found out about the internet
We have his entire life on record. It's all his negligent family's fault. Plain and simple, they just raised him wrong.
Chris is in his late 30s
Chris Chan is a sad tale of deception, sex with dolls and mental retardation.
This kid was bullied into turning into a woman.
This. You should also consider doing some lite exercise. I say lite because people tend to over do it, tire themselves out and get discouraged right off the bat. Try going on a few walks every other day and try and cut back on fast food and beer if you drink. You’ll see a huge difference pretty quickly if you can do those things. Then consider looking into more strenuous workout routines later on.
Quite possibly.
There are so many things that could have at least mitigated the shit storm that is his life. If he'd just laid low when he started getting attention he'd be a minor injoke that barely anyone remembers unless they were on Zig Forums in 2007. Remember "Andy Sweety?" He knew when to abandon ship. Unfortunately CWC is legitimately delusional
shouldnt you be in school?
Wasn't Barb old as fuck when she had him?
The look on his face says it all honestly, in his childhood pic. That’s the look of of a kid who’s not in the moment, he’s too busy thinking about dads explosive temper from last night and wondering what’s gonna happen the next night. Kids from abusive homes always look very tense and confused in their school photos at a young age.
He's just got the tism my man
Seriously. How shrill and pointless is your life if you give a shit about some random he/she online?
Lot of spergs aren't apocalyptically bad as Chris though.
Literally the second the sperm met the egg probably. Her parents weren't equipped to properly support her. Partially because of who they were, partially because of the time period she grew up in. To be honest she probably would have been fine, if not maladjusted to fuck, if they just... didn't... give her internet access. That was a huge mistake.
She's got the 'tism. She was born broken. Everything else was just fuel to the fire. I feel really bad for her. She never had a chance.
It's funny.
Like that time he got blackmailed into sticking a medallion up his ads? I think that makes him a rape victim
I just mean it's the cause of the blank look on his face. Not any kind of Vietnam flashbacks from his home life
I'm just popping in because I wanna know what you think shrill means
*liberal colleges
When he started trying to weaponize the internet to get back at everyone who “wronged him” like the game shop owner, Megan, the dean of the community college. If he wasn’t so shitty to everyone, he’d still be some autist drawing comics, playing cards with children, and maybe working some entry level job.
>random person
To be fair, he’s a genuine psychological curiosity beyond just being an LOLcow. If he wanted to keep his life private, he’d stop documenting himself.